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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #875 am: 28.02.2015 | 16:13 »

[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Ultimate Knights Templar Guide
Author: Charles White
Pages: 67
Price: €4,42 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Everyone who has ever played a fantasy tabletop RPG has heard of the holy warriors known as paladins. Paladins are holy knights that wade into battle armed with sword, shield, and faith. They obediently go wherever they are needed to protect the faith and serve the faithful. They have great martial prowess and potent faith-based powers. In many games, paladins also observe a strict chivalric code while maintaining vows of poverty and chastity.

However, paladins aren't simply the stuff of legends. In actuality, paladins were very real. Following the First Crusade, knights banded together to serve the needs of the faith and the faithful. They lived the life of a monk while simultaneously following the path of a warrior. These warrior-monks formed a highbred of monastic life that was termed Military Orders. The most famous of these orders was the Knights Templar.

Ultimate Knights Templar Guide is a sourcebook for Savage Worlds that delves into the world of the Knights Templar from a historical and in-game aspect. The Knights Templar were the ultimate paladins during the Crusades who fought tooth and nail to reclaim the Holy Land. Their Order was shrouded in conspiracy and all of this results in excellent role-playing opportunities.

Ultimate Knights Templar Guide includes:

* A brief history of the Knights Templar.
* Ranks of Templar knights.
* A listing of grand masters.
* Options for creating Templar characters.
* Gear utilized by the Knights Templar.
* Non-player Characters.
* Templar adventures.
... and more!

Ultimate Knights Templar Guide is your source for building Templar knights like those from the Crusades, or building the foundations of an alternate history set in the backdrop of the Crusades and the struggles to reclaim the Holy Land.
« Letzte Änderung: 28.02.2015 | 16:15 von Kardohan »
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #876 am: 28.02.2015 | 16:23 »

[Adamant Entertainment] MARS Adventure Omnibus
Author: H.M. 'Dain' Lybarger
Pages: 128
Format: Softcover B&W Book (8.5" x 11")
Price: €22,30 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Adamant Entertainment presents four tales of intrigue and adventure beneath the moons of Mars! For use with our Savage Worlds setting of sword-and-planet action, the MARS Adventure Omnibus collects the following adventures, previously only available in PDF, in print for the first time.

• FACE OF MARS: The heroes brave the perils and uncover the ancient secrets of the tomb of the legendary Emperor of Mars, a vast structure fashioned in his own image!  Yet the truth of Emperor Noldes Bartarigan's tomb is far stranger than the legends that are told...

• BLOOD LEGACY OF MARS: When an impoverished noble discovers a royal birthmark on a wastrel poet and playwright, he immediately knows what it means: he has a way back into Baltan high society, Coat-tailing on the mysterious Prince's fame as deposed royalty! Unfortunately for this patron of the arts, there are political forces who would see his protege dead -- and other political forces who would use him as a figurehead for a Royalist counter-revolution! Enter the heroes, as friends or asssociates of the poet or his patron, caught in a web of intrigue, assassination and violence: the dangers of the Blood Legacy of Mars!

• SELL-SWORDS OF MARS: The heroes are working as mercenaries, seeking adventure among the lesser independent cities of Mars.  When an attack dams up the only canal of the city of Pi-Ramesh, the city's young Queen hires these Sell-Swords of Mars to come to her aid as the city's lifeblood dries up.  Can the heroes stop the onslaught of a seemingly unstoppable enemy, and save the weakened city?   This adventure comes with the bonus Warriors of Mars miniatures rules, for use with the free-to-download Savage Worlds SHOWDOWN system from Pinnacle!

• SOUL-THIEVES OF MARS: The heroes are hired by a trade caravan as guards, and travel to the city of Ban Ma Terril.  One of the merchants of the city warns them that something is going on -- people in the city have begun to act strangely: Hollow, as if their very wills were not their own... as if someone or something had stolen their very souls! The investigation will lead to mystery, intrigue and murder, as the heroes are drawn into the machinations of a secret society that threatens the entire Red Planet!
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #877 am: 12.03.2015 | 18:44 »

[Pinnacle Entertainment] The Last Parsec: Pranac Pursuit
Author: Sterling Hershey
Artists: Aaron Acevedo
Pages: 23
Price: €4,69 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The scout ship Distant Light has gone missing in the Pranac System. The heroes must negotiate with strange aliens, explore a wild, primeval planet, and solve the mystery of the "sages" to find the ship and its missing crew.

Pranac Pursuit is a 23 page adventure for The Last Parsec. It's suitable for most any JumpCorp personnel of any Rank.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #878 am: 12.03.2015 | 19:02 »

[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #21: The Free Emirate States
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 60
Prices: €11,01 (TAG Store); €12,22 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Of the three great human realms, it is the Free Emirate States that actually comes closest to fulfilling Suleiman’s vision. Only a fool would deny there are problems, but here at least citizens of both creeds live side by side in peace in harmony. For the most part, people are judged by their skills, not the method in which they choose to worship the higher powers. The Emirates holds much promise, for here anyone can rise to a position of great influence and authority. So welcome, noble traveler, to a realm that boasts of being a gateway to both the deserts of Al-Shirkuh and the frozen land of Rassilon.

This 10 page section covers general information concerning the Emirates and its people. Inside you’ll find details on Social Hierarchy, Education, Religion, Military, Law & Order, Trade & Tribute, Major Locales , and Persons of Note.

The Cities
Each of the six great cities receives 8 dedicated pages. We cover the same topics above, but with a specific focus on how they apply with each city. Dozens of new locations provide you with plenty of places to visit, explore, and shop! Will you search for the Tombs of the Thief Lords? Does the dust of the desert need washing away at the Marid’s Fountain? Perhaps you waould care to meet the natives of Jinn Town?

The Guild of Headsmen
This two page section expands the material on the Guild of Headsmen, with information for GMs and players alike!

But there is yet more, oh benificent master of the golden coin! The author has provided further information through the use of sidebars! Here are such thing as the types of clothing found in Al-Shirkuh, a guide to cleanliness, a discussion on who or what created the relics, typical soldiers and the cost of hiring an army, common phrases involving the jinn, and new Edges.

Since the new Land of Fire supplement is out and we’re as happy as an ifrit in a bonfire we’re giving you a location for free so you can see the sort of goodness inside the Guide.

Mostak’s Medicines: Mostak sells herbal remedies and alchemical healing potions, all of which he creates himself. Oddly, he isn’t a cleric or a mage. A former adventurer, he unearthed a collection of alchemical texts from a Hekatic tomb, along with highly specialized arcane laboratory equipment. The texts revealed a dark and terrible formulae—the secrets of how to create healing remedies from human organs. Utterly immoral, Mostak went into business when advancing old age ended his adventuring career. His raw materials come from unfortunates he kidnaps and murders.


This is Kudret the Untouchable, a sand goblin entrepreneur and self-appointed crime lord, for a Land of Fire project (Al-Korsar -- Ed.) currently in development. Planned for a summer 2015 release (no Kickstarter), so start saving those pennies, folks!

Triple Ace Games Creative Director
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #879 am: 19.03.2015 | 19:39 »

[TAG] Hellfrost: Legendary Endeavors
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 32
Prices: €7,62 PDF, €13,57 PDF + Softcover incl. Shipping (TAG Store); €8,49 PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   


Whether your hero is a mighty warrior, devout cleric, cunning mage, wise scholar, or cunning thief, his adventures are the stuff from which legends are born. Others, now long dead, have already walked that long and arduous road. This is their story - and yours!

This sourcebook for Hellfrost includes:

* Rules for creating the most powerful magic items known - legendary relics
* Sample legendary relics from Rassilon, Al-Shirkuh, and the Jade Empire
* Rules for generating a skald's repertoire of songs and poems, plus examples from Rassilon and Al-Shirkuh

Hellfrost Legendary Endeavors is a source book bringing together previously published material and new expanded information for the epic Hellfrost setting for the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG.

TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #880 am: 21.03.2015 | 14:57 »

[Fabled Environments] Killer Chops
Author: Sara Martinez
Pages: 12
Prices: €1,86 €1,40 PDF, €5,59 €3,73 Bundle (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Henry DuBois is in a pretty tough spot. His club isn't doing so well and a string of violent murders in the neighborhood hasn't done wonders for business. To give himself a leg up, DuBois just poached one of the best trumpet players in the city from the club on 45th, but the guy went from kind to kind of a jerk seemingly overnight. Karmari has stormed off stage at the drop of a hat and has gone off on other employees.  Without Karmari Harmon, the club is finished. However, he seems to be imploding for no apparent reason.

Your job is simple: figure out what is going on with Karmari before the club tanks!

“Killer Chops” is a modern horror adventure for 4–6 players using Fabled Environments’ “Jazz Club” and “Warehouse” maps and the Savage Worlds core rules, suitable for an evening’s play. An 8 1/2 inch x 11 inch copy of each map is provided, bigger versions are part of the Bundle.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #881 am: 25.03.2015 | 19:58 »

[Pinnacle Entertainment] Deadlands Reloaded: Stone and a Hard Place
Authors: Matthew Cutter, Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 160
Prices: €27,42 €13,70 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   

Death rules this land. From the sun-scorched earth to the empty noose swaying in the skeletal branches of the hangman’s tree to the bloodstained buzzards circling overhead … the Wild Southwest thirsts for souls. Make sure it don’t get yours, partner.

Matthew Cutter’s Stone and a Hard Place details the strange locales and odd characters of the American Southwest, provides new Edges and abilities to gussy up your Harrowed or hexslinger, new Setting Rules to emulate Death’s grip on the land, Savage Tales galore, a passel o’ terrifying abominations, and an epic Plot Point Campaign that pits a posse against Death’s red right hand—the one and only Stone!
Stone and a Hard Place uses the multiple-award winning Savage Worlds rules and requires the core rules and Deadlands Reloaded to play.

[Pinnacle Entertainment] Deadlands Reloaded: Stone and a Hard Place Players Guide
Authors: Matthew Cutter, Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 26
Prices: FREEBIE (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This the Player's Guide version of the product--the first 26 pages of the book with all the player's information. It may be printed for personal use, and printed or distributed for up to six players in the Game Master's personal campaign.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #882 am: 27.03.2015 | 21:51 »

[Fainting Goat Games] EXTREME EARTH: A DYSTOPIAN SUPERHERO SETTING *Savage Worlds Version*
Authors: Joe Bardales, Jon Gibbons, Tom Bisbee
Artist: Jon Gibbons
Pages: 136
Price: €22,86 €15,53 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Extreme Earth is a supers campaign setting inspired by the Iron Age of Comic Books. With eye-popping art by Jon Gibbons and evocative writing of Joe Bardales, Extreme Earth will transport you to a dangerous, dystopian world that can be described as 24 meets Heroes by way of the Iron Age of Comics.

Extreme Earth will present information about the history and current state of affairs of this dystopian world, background dossiers on major players and organizations, rules for character creation, campaign advice for game masters to help bring the setting to life, and a full introductory adventure.

TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #883 am: 1.04.2015 | 06:27 »
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #884 am: 1.04.2015 | 22:42 »

[Just Insert Imagination] Winter Eternal
Author: Morné Schaap
Pages: 122
Price: €9,27 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Winter Eternal is not a post apocalyptic setting. It's about what comes after the disaster, many years later when civilization is starting to thrive again.

When the sun exploded, the continent of Ehlerrac survived the wave of flames because it was on the night side of the planet. Then the earthquakes and tsunamis hit and thousands died as cities fell and the landscape were torn apart. The dark world started cooling rapidly and the survivors struggled to find food and shelter.

A group of Nature Wardens started camps and used their magic to grow food.  People of many different races came stumbling out of the darkness into these camps, grateful for the protection.

Now, hundreds of years later, the 6 camps are giant, cramped cities, heated and lit by magic. Two cities are underground and one is build on the inside edges of a chasm. The cities are now connected by enclosed roads called Archways and travel is now much safer.

A few years ago explorers came upon orange crystals in an old crater. When light shone on the crystals, it generated a massive amount of heat. Artificers are now using these "sunshards" to help Ehlerrac to take it's first tentative steps into an industrial and steam age.

This is an exciting time on Ehlerrac and its up to Savage worlds game groups to tell the stories of this dark, cold , but not dead world.

Winter Eternal needs the Savage Worlds core rulebook and the Fantasy Companion to play.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #885 am: 2.04.2015 | 18:29 »

[TAG] Easter Sale 2015

Dear TAG Fan!

The great big Easter sale from Triple Ace Games is now on!
Head over to our webstore to check out the bargains!

We are also extending the sale on but we hope you'll visit our webstore first!

Happy Easter Holidays!
Rob & Wiggy
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #886 am: 2.04.2015 | 18:43 »
So da es diesmal keine Scherznews ist, poste ich das ganze mal hier :)

Dem ein oder anderen ist es schon aufgefallen, die Deadlands Repetier-Edition ist dem 01. April geschuldet und kommt weder mit Deutschlandfahne auf dem Cover noch mit dem Vagabundenpferd oder dem Schlangenvolk auf eure Spieltische zu. Und auch Dodge City und Santa Fe heißen weiterhin Dodge City und Santa Fe.
Mehr dazu...
Besucht den Spielwelten Youtube Kanal :D

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #887 am: 6.04.2015 | 21:09 »

[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero: Phoenix - The Terrible Valley of Static
Authors: John Wick, David Jarvis
Artists: Sam Manley, Jason Walton
Pages: 21
Price: €5,49 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Under the burning sun, one of the hottest places in the world just became a whole lot more dangerous. In early 2090, Phoenix, Arizona dropped off the map. Nobody knows how or why. Not even the people who live there. But some of them are finding out. And when they do... they're as good as dead.

Written by Origins Award Winner and Phoenix resident John Wick and David Jarvis, Phoenix, the Terrible Valley of Static pulls back the curtain on this isolated, broken city, giving you all the dirt you'll need to  get involved with any of the new factions which vie for control of Phoenix.

You'll also find rules for Ghosting in Hyper Reality, new edges, hindrances, specialized gear and new cybernetics!
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #888 am: 15.04.2015 | 06:35 »

[Pinnacle] Lankhmar: City of Thieves *PREORDER*
Authors: Thomas M. Reid, Darrell Hardy, Ross Watson
Pages: 96
Prices: $9.99 PDF only, $19.99 PDF + SC, $24.99 PDF + HC (Pinnacle Store); €18,54 €9,26 PDF only, €3,70 each map set PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Ill Met in Lankhmar…

In the City of Sevenscore Thousand Smokes, danger lurks down every dark alley. Sinister sorcerers summon terrible forces in their crumbling towers. Treacherous rogues of the Thieves’ Guild prowl the Plaza of Dark Delights. Assassins from the Slayers’ Brotherhood work the Tenderloin District. And hunched figures skitter beneath the streets, waiting for their chance to rise.

But there is action, adventure, and wealth here too–if your rogues have the skill and bravado to claim it.

Lankhmar: City of Thieves is the core setting book for Fritz Leiber’s world of swords & sorcery. It contains details on the world of Nehwon and the city of Lankhmar, Setting Rules, Savage Tales, monsters and foes, and recounts the tales of world’s most notorious scoundrels–including Fafhrd, the Gray Mouser, and their sorcerous sponsors.
« Letzte Änderung: 18.04.2015 | 20:36 von Kardohan »
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #889 am: 18.04.2015 | 07:34 »

[Obatron Productions] Savage Insider - V3I1 - Endings and Beginnings
Authors: Robert L. Beaver, Vickey A. Beaver, Tanya Beeson, Sean Tait Bircher, Sean Patrick Fannon, G’Andy, Jerrod Gunning, Jim Myers, Brian Reeves, David Scott, Zach Welhouse, Richard Woolcock
Artists: Amanda Kiefer, Todd Cannon, Graphic Stock, morgueFile (PMaz), Brian Reeves, Sarah Richardson, Frank Turfler
Pages: 74
Price: €4,16 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

We're passionate about Savage Worlds and want to share that with you. The theme is Endings and Beginnings, which it is threaded throughout all the pieces and covers a range of genres.

What's in It for You

* Two Discounts Off Maps by Middle Kingdom Exploration & Trading Co.
* Recent Releases - From January to March.
* Upcoming Releases - Works in the works.
* Designer’s Diary - Sean Patrick Fannon talks about Evil Beagle Games’ Shaintar: Legends Unleashed.
* Game Prep: Concept by Interlude - Finding out who the character is before deciding what they can do!
* Game Prep: The End is Nigh! Or Is It? - Tips for handling bringing a campaign to its close.
* Esoteric Orders: An Abundance of Gods - Shinto inspirations for any genre. with NPCs, powers, and setting sketches.
* Equipment Corral - Two pieces for your collection at both ends of the spectrum: one to bring death and one to bring life.
* Character Gallery: Three Masters of Action - After the lives they knew ended, all transform to take on anything thrown their way..
* Mechanics Wise: Back from the Dead - Unconventional options for handling character death.
* Expanded Mechanics: The More You Know - Getting more out of language and knowledge skills.
* Stories to Inspire: The Past and the Future - When a deserter becomes a vigilante, there’s a fine line between criminal and hero.
* Surveyed: The Pride of Thalsen - A small, but influential village faces the theft of a treasured artifact. A great place to start a campaign.
* Great Adventures: The World Trembles - A campaign-ending adventure for Legendary Ranks. Can they defeat Ashur and all the aliens brought with it, or will their fantasy world die?
* Great Adventures: Escape from the Apocalypse Myceleon, Destroyer and Devourer - On the edge of Unknown Space, an immense, alien being seeks to make a meal out of a planet.
* Convention Connection - April to July
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #890 am: 18.04.2015 | 07:45 »

[Melior Via] Shaintar-Accursed Crossover: Darkest Tides
Author: John Dunn
Artists: Carl Holden, Kamil Jadczak, Brian Brinlee, Kevin Childress, Gary Dupuis, Rich Hershey
Pages: 19
Price: €5,56 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The adventure begins in earnest when the heroes arrive at Cata'Lasis or Respite—places that conceal a connection between worlds. Ranking members of the heroes' organization have sent the characters to the island in response to a request for aid. The aid requests are in response to numerous sightings of unusual creatures that have taken place in the area. Tracking the corrupted beings uncovers a larger tunnel complex. Examination of the caverns reveals that they are the remains of something ancient.

Darkest Tides is a full length adventure for a band of Rangers from Shaintar. It can also be adapted for  Witchmarked heroes from Accursed. The adventure may be played as a standalone, or it may integrated into a larger campaign. It follows a four act structure, while also providing details on the regions of Cata'Lasis in Shaintar and the corresponding city of Respite on Morden from Accursed. Darkest Tides includes necessary game mechanics and opportunity for tasks that can be resolved in a variety of ways. Conversion notes are provided for transferring characters between the two settings.

Shaintar: Legends Arise and Accursed provides additional details about the setting used in this scenario, however, only Shaintar: Legends Arise is required to fully make use of the game mechanics presented. Savage Worlds is also required.
« Letzte Änderung: 18.04.2015 | 07:48 von Kardohan »
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #891 am: 18.04.2015 | 07:57 »

[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Judgment Day 2nd Edition
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Andrew DeFelice, Kiss Márton Gyula, Rick Hershey, Mark Huffman, Bradley K. Mcdevitt, Ronin Arts, Jim Scanlin
Pages: 132
Price: €9,27 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

 Inquisitor Steel stepped out of the Land Rover and onto the pavement. “You are blocking my passage,” he told the beast.
 The beast let out a guttural scream that shook the SUV.
 The demon was quite large. Both Inquisitor Steel and Andreson were slightly over six-feet tall, and this demon was at least two-feet taller than them. Inquisitor Steel grabbed his platinum scimitars, sheathing them immediately. Andreson, Wurth, and Mason exchanged their clips for platinum bullets. Frazier grabbed a pair of platinum knives.
  The five of them stepped in front of the Land Rover, forming a line between it and the demon.
  “Prepare to be my dinner humans!” the demon yelled out.
  “I’m not a human,” replied Inquisitor Steel. “I’m an inquisitor. And you, demon, have just made a big mistake.”

Welcome to the supernatural secrets of mankind. Within the pages of Judgment Day you will find the tools necessary to combat the terrors that plague mankind across the three major eras of the occult: the time of the Crusades, the Victorian era, and modern day. Few are able to make this journey, and even fewer are able to stare down the faces of nightmares and do what an inquisitor needs to do. But with this manual, you shall have the tools you need and will hopefully prevail.

Judgment Day includes:

* Mechanics for creating supernatural-hunting characters across three eras: Middle Ages during the Crusades, the Victorian era, and the modern age.
* Mechanics for Arcane Characters covering thaumaturgy, clockwork science, and psionics.
* GM guidance for Judgment Day games and incorporating Shadowed Earth.
* A Random Adventure Builder.
* An introductory adventure.
… and more!

Judgment Day is a fantasy horror setting for Savage Worlds. It is not a standalone book and requires use of the Savage Worlds core rulebook. GMs may want copies of the Cryptozoology bestiaries.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #892 am: 21.04.2015 | 06:18 »

[TAG] Hellfrost: Arcane Lore
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 32
Prices: €7,62 PDF, €14,41 PDF & Softcover incl. Shipping (TAG Store); €8,32 PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)   


Rassilon is a world of magic. Tendrils of magical energy emanating from the moon touch every creature, granting them the potential to weave, focus, and manipulate magic. All practitioners share an understanding of how to manipulate the threads of magic, but each arcane tradition is unique in its approach to the art.

This guidebook expands the major and minor magical traditions of Rassilon, delving deeper behind the scenes and presenting new rules.

Within this tome of arcane lore you’ll find information on druidic pacts with nature, the Magocracy’s famed schools of heahwisardry, the elementals planes and their unearthly occupants, the nature of the lost dwarven runes, song mages’ storytelling traditions, and more!

This book is designed for both players and GMs.

Hellfrost Arcane Lore is a guide book which expands upon the magical traditions of Rassilon for the epic Hellfrost setting and designed for use with the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG.

TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #893 am: 22.04.2015 | 06:03 »

[Pinnacle] Rifts is Coming for Savage Worlds!

We’re pleased to announce that we will be developing Rifts for Savage Worlds! We’re early in the process now, but Shane says we anticipate a core setting book in time for Christmas.

Rifts is a classic muti-genre post-apocalypse game with elements of everything from fantasy and mythology on through cyberpunk and mecha, the realization of Kevin Siembieda’s vision of a game with everything for everyone.

“I’m really excited to see what Rifts will look like in the Savage Worlds system,” said Siembieda. “The Savage fans are great folks, and I think Rifts is going to be an amazing amount of fun for them, letting them explore all the possibilities of both the system and the setting.”

Be sure to keep up with the Pinnacle news for more information as it becomes available!
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #894 am: 26.04.2015 | 07:26 »

[DramaScape] Savage Worlds Adventure Vol 8: To Preserve Our Vows
Authors: Steven J Black, Simon Powell
Artist: Simon Powell
Pages: 36
Price: €6,92 PDF; €18,32 €12,65 Crusaders Essentials Pack (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

To Preserve Our Vows

DramaScape Savage Worlds Adventure Vol 8
This product is a full-color, 16 inch by 10 inch, 3 level, Battlemap of an Arabian Tower, with Hex, Square and No overlay and comes with a Savage Worlds Adventure.
The PDF includes includes the VTT (Virtual Table Top Images for online play).

"The Sultan will not profane our wives. This is my vow." [Places his wedding band on his ring finger and kisses it.]Confrere Henri Blanche

To Preserve Our Vows is a Savage Worlds One-Sheet style adventure made for use with our Oasis Ruins (optional) and Arabian Fortress maps. To Preserve Our Vows includes three two-page add-on maps to the Arabian Fortress, a throne room, vault, and harem room for placement as interiors inside the western tower and two pages of NPC cards.

To Preserve Our Vows includes Savage World NPC statblocks made using Savage Worlds Deluxe by Pinnacle Entertainment Group and the Ultimate Knights Templar Guide by Mystical Throne Entertainment.

Even if not using Savage Worlds, the Arabian Fortress map add-ons, NPC flavor descriptions, and adventure can be used with any fantasy setting or historical settings set during the Crusades. The Savage World stats can be ignored or adapted to your game’s setting.

To Preserve Our Vows: When the wives of Earl Geoffrey Corwin and Confrere Henri Blanche are kidnapped by the Sultan of Rûm, Mesud, for his harem, the Earl offers to fill the Templar’s coffers to help get her back. The Templars offer him a small force of men for his small initial donation and the Earl pays for additional mercenary support. But will it be enough to get into the Sultan’s Palace and rescue their wives?
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #895 am: 1.05.2015 | 16:40 »


Our Science Fiction Month Sale is going on now. Save 15% from dozens of publishers and hundreds of downloadable titles! And even more Science Fiction titles are on sale on our sister sites, DriveThruComics and DriveThruFiction!

In addition to the titles on sale below, check here every weekend for our special features!
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #896 am: 2.05.2015 | 05:06 »

[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar Guidebook: Serenity
Authors: Ed Greenwood, Sean Patrick Fannon
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Bien Flores, Jason Engle, Alida Saxon
Pages: 25
Price: €6,80 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Then did the Wise King found a city that remains the envy of all others.

Not the largest, nor the richest, but by far the most useful, it is the beating heart of the Southern Kingdoms, the jewel of the Wildlands, and the one place no person of lively wits who harbors a love of life and savors intrigue should miss visiting. Such a place is Serenity, where the unsleeping traderoads meet. When one is tired of the City of Secrets, one is tired of striving and zeal and the hunger for coin. -- Imdurl Arhadabad, Sage of Serenity

Welcome to the Serenity, City of Secrets, the latest of many Guidebooks for the Epic High Fantasy setting that is Shaintar. Written by world-famouse Sage of the Forgotten Realms, Ed Greenwood, with additional material and game design by Shaintar's creator, Sean Patrick Fannon, Serenity introduces you to one of the most fascinating - and dangerous - cities in all the Southern Kingdoms.

Full of fascinating characters and a culture steeped in traditions of trade in both hard goods and harder-to-uncover information, the crossroads city of Serenity is a font of endless possibilities and countless dangers.

Learn yet again why Ed Greenwood is a master of character and story within the RPG world, and enjoy his powerful contribution to the epic high fantasy world of Shaintar.

The Duke
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #897 am: 2.05.2015 | 22:01 »

[Pinnacle] Lankhmar: Savage Tales of the Thieves’ Guild

Steal a noble’s yacht. Get thrown out of the Silver Eel. Stop a mad god’s avatar.

It’s just another day in the City of Thieves…

Within this tome are fourteen Savage Tales to unleash on your wary band of rogues. Task your scoundrels to uncover the source of a mysterious red smoke plaguing the city before a guild war breaks out. Collect the Thieves’ Guild’s bounty on the notorious pirate known as “Black Skull.” Or steal a holy relic out from under the watchful eyes of a rising church on the Street of Gods.

The adventures in Savage Tales of the Thieves’ Guild can be played independently or interwoven into an ongoing campaign. Each brings the City of Sevenscore Thousand Smokes alive and places your players in the thick of Lankhmar’s dark alleys, shady dealings, and twisted schemes.

This book requires Lankhmar: City of Thieves and Savage Worlds to play.

This product will be available May 12th!
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #898 am: 6.05.2015 | 21:26 »

[Just Insert Imagination] Winter Eternal: A Long Cold Night
Author: Morné Schaap
Pages: 2
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The kidnappers promised Lord Welkar they would mail him pieces of his daughter if he did not obey. Can the heroes find her before the first package arrives?

This is the first One-Sheet Adventure for Winter Eternal. The zip file includes the adventure, a map and 6 pre-gen characters to use.
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon

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Re: Savage Worlds - News (no smalltalk!)
« Antwort #899 am: 14.05.2015 | 12:42 »

[Pinnacle] Lankhmar: Savage Tales of the Thieves’ Guild *PREORDER*
Authors: Darrell Hardy, Michael Ysker
Pages: 98
Prices: $9.99 PDF only, $19.99 PDF + SC, $24.99 PDF + HC (Pinnacle Store)

Steal a noble’s yacht. Get thrown out of the Silver Eel. Stop a mad god’s avatar.

It’s just another day in the City of Thieves…

Within this tome are fourteen Savage Tales to unleash on your wary band of rogues. Task your scoundrels to uncover the source of a mysterious red smoke plaguing the city before a guild war breaks out. Collect the Thieves’ Guild’s bounty on the notorious pirate known as “Black Skull.” Or steal a holy relic out from under the watchful eyes of a rising church on the Street of Gods.

The adventures in Savage Tales of the Thieves’ Guild can be played independently or interwoven into an ongoing campaign. Each brings the City of Sevenscore Thousand Smokes alive and places your players in the thick of Lankhmar’s dark alleys, shady dealings, and twisted schemes.

This book requires Lankhmar: City of Thieves and Savage Worlds to play.
« Letzte Änderung: 14.05.2015 | 12:45 von Kardohan »
TAG Hellfrost Line Editor
There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who know binary and those who don't.
Kardohan klingt immer so als ob er einen gerade lynchen will, wenn es darum geht Regeln zu erklären, das muss man einfach überlesen, dann sind die Posts super  ~;D  --- Dragon