[Obatron Productions] Savage Insider - V3I1 - Endings and BeginningsAuthors: Robert L. Beaver, Vickey A. Beaver, Tanya Beeson, Sean Tait Bircher, Sean Patrick Fannon, G’Andy, Jerrod Gunning, Jim Myers, Brian Reeves, David Scott, Zach Welhouse, Richard Woolcock
Artists: Amanda Kiefer, Todd Cannon, Graphic Stock, morgueFile (PMaz), Brian Reeves, Sarah Richardson, Frank Turfler
Pages: 74
Price: €4,16 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

We're passionate about Savage Worlds and want to share that with you. The theme is Endings and Beginnings, which it is threaded throughout all the pieces and covers a range of genres.
What's in It for You* Two Discounts Off Maps by Middle Kingdom Exploration & Trading Co.
* Recent Releases - From January to March.
* Upcoming Releases - Works in the works.
* Designer’s Diary - Sean Patrick Fannon talks about Evil Beagle Games’ Shaintar: Legends Unleashed.
* Game Prep: Concept by Interlude - Finding out who the character is before deciding what they can do!
* Game Prep: The End is Nigh! Or Is It? - Tips for handling bringing a campaign to its close.
* Esoteric Orders: An Abundance of Gods - Shinto inspirations for any genre. with NPCs, powers, and setting sketches.
* Equipment Corral - Two pieces for your collection at both ends of the spectrum: one to bring death and one to bring life.
* Character Gallery: Three Masters of Action - After the lives they knew ended, all transform to take on anything thrown their way..
* Mechanics Wise: Back from the Dead - Unconventional options for handling character death.
* Expanded Mechanics: The More You Know - Getting more out of language and knowledge skills.
* Stories to Inspire: The Past and the Future - When a deserter becomes a vigilante, there’s a fine line between criminal and hero.
* Surveyed: The Pride of Thalsen - A small, but influential village faces the theft of a treasured artifact. A great place to start a campaign.
* Great Adventures: The World Trembles - A campaign-ending adventure for Legendary Ranks. Can they defeat Ashur and all the aliens brought with it, or will their fantasy world die?
* Great Adventures: Escape from the Apocalypse Myceleon, Destroyer and Devourer - On the edge of Unknown Space, an immense, alien being seeks to make a meal out of a planet.
* Convention Connection - April to July