Ich hab kürzlich den Score zu "The Heist" in die Hände bekommen, schöne Sache wenn man Profis spielt. Nebenbei, wenn eine von euch den Film noch nicht kennt, anschauen! Gene Hackman als Meisterverbrecher, Drehbuch und Regie von Mamet, der auch schon Ronin geschrieben hat. Ich steh drauf.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sId0p6tKkkMObligatorisches Filmzitat:
Bobby Blane: Sometimes adrenaline gives people the shakes, some might think it's cowardice, so maybe you'd want to pray about it.
Jimmy: I'm not a religious man.
Bobby Blane: There's nothing wrong with prayer. We knew this firefighter, this trooper, who always caried a bible next to his heart. We used to mock him, but that bible stopped a bullet.
Jimmy: No shit.
Bobby Blane: Hand of God, that bible stopped a bullet, would of ruined that fucker's heart. And had he had another bible in front of his face, that man would be alive today.