Seit gestern haben wir zwei weitere Stretchgoals geknackt:
Das Abenteuer "The Strange Land" von Gareth Hanrahan (Mongoose Traveller, The One Ring, & Night's Black Agents).
Lord Feltam-Hithe, a noted explorer and adventurer, returned from the Red Planet with a Martian boy. The alien child was the talk of London, as Martians on Earth are still a rarity. Now, Lord Feltam-Hithe has come to you with a delicate problem - he has lost his Martian. The boy has escaped onto the streets of London, and you must find him before he causes any embarrassing trouble.
und das Abenteuer "Murder on the Aether Express" von Uli Lindner (Das Schwarze Auge (The Dark Eye), Dungeonslayers, Deadlands).
An illustrous crowd has gathered for the maiden voyage of the Ether Express, a new luxury liner travelling from Earth to Mars and offering the passengers all the splendor and extravagance of the imperial age. But what is the reason for the strange happenings on board, culminating in the death of one of the VIP travellers? It's up to the characters to find out and to calm down the tensions growing on the ship.
Beide PDFs sind jetzt bei den Leveln DIGITAL PLUS, RULEBOOK PLUS (und höher) dabei, sowohl in der Ubiquity als auch in SW Version.
Als gedrucktes Doppelabenteuer gibt es das auch als Add-On (auch in beiden Versionen)