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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2325 am: 19.03.2013 | 10:56 »
Gibt es eigentlich irgendwelche Chargeneratoren für VTM bzw. DAV?
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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2326 am: 19.03.2013 | 14:55 »
Hmm? Vielleicht taugt VtMChar was?


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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2327 am: 19.03.2013 | 15:01 »
Falls der Vampire-Translation-Guide (cWoD<->nWoD) genutzt werden sollte, dann empfiehlt sich:

Vault of Darkness:
Mac Version:
Windows Version:
Linux Version:

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2328 am: 19.03.2013 | 15:06 »
Da muss man erst Blutspenden bevor man es ausprobieren kann?

Es gibt ansonsten noch einen Vampire Editor.
Nun und den V-Editor. (Den nutze ich pers. am meisten)
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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2329 am: 20.03.2013 | 12:03 »
Wie kann ein Geist: The Sin-Eaters-SC seinen Psychewert erhöhen?
"These things are romanticized, but in the end they're only colorful lies." - This Is Hell, Polygraph Cheaters


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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2330 am: 20.03.2013 | 12:20 »
Wie kann ein Geist: The Sin-Eaters-SC seinen Psychewert erhöhen?

Fragst nach den XP-Kosten ( neuer Wert x 8 )?
Oder geht es um Anchors, Unterwelt und-dergl.?

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2331 am: 20.03.2013 | 13:15 »
Mir war aus der Beschreibung im GRW (ab Seite 79 iirc) nicht klar, dass sich Psyche auch mit XP erhöhen lässt.  wtf?
"These things are romanticized, but in the end they're only colorful lies." - This Is Hell, Polygraph Cheaters


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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2332 am: 20.03.2013 | 13:33 »
Auf Seite 46 ganz unten stehen die "Experience Point Costs".

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2333 am: 20.03.2013 | 13:41 »
Seite 64 meinst du. Da hatte ich das stumpf übersehen.  :-[

Wo wir schon beim Thema sind: ghost, shade, spectre werden ja im Geist-GRW fröhlich wild gemischt genutzt - meint das alles das gleiche oder sind das verschiedene Arten?
"These things are romanticized, but in the end they're only colorful lies." - This Is Hell, Polygraph Cheaters

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2334 am: 20.03.2013 | 19:48 »
Vielleicht sollte man einen Neuen Thread für Geist Regelfragen auf machen.

Aber hier ein mal so:

Grundsätzlich sind diese Dinge umschriebungen für ein und das selbe.
Allerdings kann man einen Unterschied machen.
Ghost: Ein normaler Totengeist
Cooler: Jemand dessen Körper noch auskühlt. Sprich: Sehr junger/Frischer Totengeist
Poltergeist: Aggressiver Ghost der Mit Numina Dinge bewegt.
Shade: Schatten... Stiller Ghost der sehr Apathisch ist.
Yellowbones: Alter alter alter aaaaalter Ghost.

Diverses gibts da im Geist-Glossar/Lexikon im Buch.

Soweit ich gelesen habe gibts "eigentlich" nur wenige "Arten" von Ghosts und dingen mit denen Sin Eater interagieren:

-Jede Geschmacksrichtung von "Ghost" (siehe oben)
-Geist... naja... die Dinger die an einem Drankleben halt.
-Kerberoi - Die Wächter der Unterwelt, jenseits der Autochtonischen Tiefen.
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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2335 am: 20.03.2013 | 22:35 »
Spirits sind auch noch mal extra, der Vollständigkeit halber (als konzeptuelle Wesen im Zwielicht).

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2336 am: 20.03.2013 | 23:01 »
Danke :) Muss mich wohl noch zwei- dreimal durch das GRW ackern.
"These things are romanticized, but in the end they're only colorful lies." - This Is Hell, Polygraph Cheaters

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2337 am: 21.03.2013 | 08:11 »
Ich werde demnächst eine Kurz-Kampagne  im STile von Akte X spielen, finde aber im Netz keinen deutschen nWoD-Charakterbogen (für "normale" Menschen). Ich vermute mein Googlefu ist schwach, bin daher für Tipps und Hilfe dankbar.

Gibt es den Charakterbogen der nWoD noch irgendwo auf deutsch?

Vielen Dank schonmal, p^^
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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2338 am: 21.03.2013 | 08:25 »
Gibt es den Charakterbogen der nWoD noch irgendwo auf deutsch?

Den Originalbogen habe könnte ich dir maximal zuschicken. Wenn es nicht das Original sein muss, kannst du aber auch diesen hier nehmen.
-> Projekte: PDQ# - FreeFate - PtA Zapped - Fiasko - FateCore - Durance - SRAP (mit Diary)
-> Diaries 212 (nWoD) - Cypher Suns (Fadings Suns/Cypher) - Anderland (Liminal) - Feierabendhonks (DnD 5e)

Ich sitze im Bus der Behinderten und Begabten und ich sitze gern darin.

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2339 am: 22.03.2013 | 00:56 »
Man hat sich auf Onyx Path Publishing darüber ausgelassen wieso es die Monday Meetings gibt,..

Behind the Monday Meeting Notes
March 21, 2013
By richt

One of the hardest things to accomplish with the start-up of Onyx Path has been getting the word out as to who we are and what we’re working on. This past year, we talked to you folks via forums, Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit AMA. We shared various interviews with our gang, blog posts, and dove into your questions on Kickstarter. Obviously, when you take into consideration the volume of information shared on these venues — we’re all over the place. Of course, so are our fans and backers, so for now we go where there are folks we can talk to. As the year progresses, you’ll notice how we continue to avail ourselves of these venues, but with more directed and focused information about what we’re up to. That’s one of Onyx Path‘s goals for this year.

But that’s actually Where we’re sharing information, not How or Why. One of the guiding precepts of Onyx Path Publishing has been to be as transparent about production as we can possibly be. Having worked behind the wrought-iron, spear-topped, and black-rose draped walls of White Wolf for two decades, where we created and published our projects with very little community-focused discussion and feedback, I started Onyx Path with the idea that we could do something new. Part of the fun we’re having in this corner of publishing is that we now have so many ways to have a dialogue that we didn’t have before. Working with the Open Development Process where developers and art directors post what they’re working on (as they are working on it) is one aspect of this transparency. With our Kickstarter projects we’ve been giving the backers a chance to review and submit errata before we finalize the files. Another example would be my weekly Monday Lunch Meeting Notes blog which include a weekly progress report about current projects.

This is what actually brought me to the idea of this commentary today. I realized this past Monday that some of our fans were looking at the Monday Meeting updates as strict “announcements” rather than as honest and transparent progress reports. When I tell folks why a book is delayed, (which happened a lot in 2012 as our infrastructure was welded into place), some have been disappointed and frustrated that the project was being announced and then “pushed back.” This is totally understandable, and I feel their pain. Part of that pain, however, is based on the expectation that the Monday Meeting updates were to inform fans of firm publication dates. While they can serve that purpose, my intention has always been to keep the Monday Meeting notes more casual, but focused on development. And then, when we do announce a new release, folks’ll either see that in a separate announcement or shared through social media.

If the Monday Lunch Meeting Notes blog isn’t to announce books, then what’s it for? Well, this is a bit of a history lesson, but here goes. Back when I took over as Creative Director of White Wolf, I realized we needed to have more and continuing communication with our audience. So, I began posting to Live Journal with “RichT’s Ramblings”, “RichT’s Ruminations”, etc. Basically, I’d been talking about the various things we were up to, or which were concerning our community. And even before that, at least a decade earlier, I instituted a Monday Production Lunch to start the week with our team eating together. This was a really great chance to goof around as a group, but also to look at what we had accomplished the week before and to see what was ahead. Everybody got a chance to pick the lunch venue — Josh Timbrook’s was always “Subba-Wubba”– and we could share company and individual info as we ate. This Monday Lunch continued on for years and years, up to the time that Eddy Webb and I were telecommuting and putting together V20 as CCP Transmedia.

So combine the two ideas, and we now have a way for Eddy and I to touch base between Onyx (me) and CCP (Eddy), and I can lay out just where in the process of creation each project is. The community gets a window into the ups and downs and hurry ups and waits of what we’re doing, as well as mini-essays on the sorts of game design, pop culture, and personal issues Eddy and I talk about.  And, because it’s a blog, we often get some excellent comments and ideas posted from the community.

I think (and hope) that the blog is entertaining and informational, to fill a niche beyond what a press release, update, forum post, or tweet can do. What do you think? What are you getting out of the Monday Meeting Notes?
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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2340 am: 22.03.2013 | 23:48 »
Brainfart: was ist nochmal Numina?  :-[
"These things are romanticized, but in the end they're only colorful lies." - This Is Hell, Polygraph Cheaters

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2341 am: 22.03.2013 | 23:57 »
Geisterkräfte afair (?)

Jetzt bin ich mir selbst nicht mehr sicher. ;D


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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2342 am: 23.03.2013 | 00:02 »

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2343 am: 25.03.2013 | 11:58 »
Spirit und Ghost Powers.
Benötigen in der Regel den Einsatz von Essenz.
Einige (alle?) davon funktionieren auch aus dem Zwielicht heraus, und stellen für Dinge die nicht Materialisieren, sondern nur Manifestieren können (Ghosts) die einzige Option dar, Dinge anfassen zu können die nicht den zustand des Zwielichts haben.

Geist Regelfragenthread

Allgemeine nWoD fragen. Egal welches System.

Edit: Laut dem Link von Nin scheint die Bezeichnung Numina auch auf die Kräfte von Beschworenen Dingen aus den Supernal Realms (Summoners - M:tAw) zu gelten.
Edit 2: Und ggf. auch in anderen Magewerken (Intruders, Astral Realms)

Also ein "Catch All Therm" für "Powers von Wesen" ;)
« Letzte Änderung: 25.03.2013 | 12:16 von 8t88 »
Live and let rock!

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2344 am: 25.03.2013 | 12:00 »
Damit liegst du richtig.

Steht auch im nWoD-GRW.  :-[
"These things are romanticized, but in the end they're only colorful lies." - This Is Hell, Polygraph Cheaters


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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2345 am: 25.03.2013 | 12:12 »
Im WW/CCP Forum gibt es auch einen Sammelbeitrag zu Numina.


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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2346 am: 26.03.2013 | 09:22 »
Burning Teemus
– March 25, 2013Posted in: Monday Meeting

So, Eddy and I started our talk today with the idea that Finns are more flammable. No real reason, just fits into some ideas we were exchanging about the balance we need, as creative people, between loving our work and yet not letting our lives be only about the work. Very tough balance, but anyone that sits in front of a computer all day knows how important it is to get up and move around, to exercise and eat well. Physically and mentally we are then stronger when we need to create and work on projects. And when you get happy solving problems with your work, it is really hard to not spend all day putting out fires. But you’ve got to wind down, decompress, feed your brain.

Along with the idea that we’re both really, really goal oriented, Eddy mentioned that he finds MMOs hard to consume regularly, as he has gotten into the habit of feeling damn satisfied when finishing a computer/console game and MMOs don’t have the same sense of completion to him. I suggested that was based on internally enjoying games in the same narrative sense that you do a book or movie. For me, MMOs are something I play sporadically and with various goals in mind as I play (see, it all comes together) so for me they are more like ongoing TV shows. And that led really quickly to why Dr Who works for both of us as it has mixed the elements of a serial and a TV show. No really, we talked for a stupidly long time about Dr Who.

Back to work: we talked about a blog post I put up last week on the Onyx Path web site: This topic came out of a bunch of comments we got on last week’s Monday Meeting blog, and raised a lot of great questions and conversations. The gist of the OP blog, and the discussions, was my intention that these Updates below function as weekly snapshots as to where the projects are in the process of creating them and getting them into your hands, but that a fair number of you folks are seeing the Updates as announcements. This sets up an expectation that folks can come here to find out an absolute like “this book is on sale this week”, and while that info might pop up here, that’s really a side effect of the progress we’re watching. And part of why that expectation exists is the way we have to announce projects on a whole lot of different social media venues in order to “hit” all the different ways our fans get their info, and also because of the way I’ve phrased some of these Updates. As for the former, we’re ramping up and consolidating our media outreach and will keep doing that through this year, and as for the latter, I’m going to try and change my language here to avoid focusing on the end result even more than I have tried to do so far.

So with those points in mind (and if you get the chance to follow that link to read the blog post and comments I think you’ll get a better idea of what I’m touching on here):

-  God Machine Chronicle (nWoD) At CCP for their review.

-  Strix Chronicle Fiction Anthology (VtR) Strix is into Editing.

- Mummy the Curse - The single volume PDF and standard color PoD, as well as the “virtual box set” PDFs will be on sale shortly. Still waiting on a cover template from the printer as they had to go back and redo their quotes due to a mix up on their end; we’ll get those files out to start the creation of the traditionally printed KS version. CAS sent me his revised Mummy schedule so that we can work it into the larger release schedule.

- Exalted 3rd Edition:  We have everything ready except for a completed video with voice-overs from the Devs, art, graphics and cool music working together. The Devs are still in the Charms section, and have assembled most of the text we’ll be teasing with Updates throughout the Kickstarter.

- V20 Hunters Hunted 2:  New sections are in layout and we’re getting art for them. Rather than tacking them on at the end, we’ll be adding a chapter before the Appendix as that just works better for the flow of the book. Justin is reaching out to writers for the HHII Fiction Anthology and the KS backers are suggesting a title.

- V20 Anarchs Unbound is in editing and we are getting art for it. We’ve received photos from some of the Children of the Revolution backers who pledged to be models in AU, but not everyone yet.

- Deluxe Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition:  We’re submitting the W20 PoD files for approval this week, and I’m expecting a new revised W20 Deluxe (both regular and Heavy Metal Edition) quote and then we’ll send the files to press! Mike Lee is three quarters-way through his novel.  The Storyteller Screen files will go off to press with W20. Bill has prepared the W20 Anthology outline and contracting prospective writers.  The Skinner is in Editing and Art Direction. The White Howlers Tribe Book is with a writer (the always delightful Jess Hartley) and the W20 Cookbook is being outlined. Check out some news here:

-Deluxe Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition has been confirmed for September-ish 2013 and Phil Brucato has started assigning writers and is churning through writing his part. Art notes and contracts out to our full-page artist, once we have some feedback from him I’ll look a posting an art blog along with Phil’s developer notes.

- W20 Changing Breeds is almost out of Editing. Really.

- W20 Rage Across the World: Most of the art is in but a bit continues to trickle in.

- Guildhalls of the Deathless (MtC) is being written.

- Conventionbook: Progenitors (cMtA) revised layout and second proof this week.

- Mage Translation Guide is in Editing.

- W20 Book of the Wyrm is being written and red-lined. Check out the W20 blog notes:

- Trinity Continuum: we’re talking about the big, big picture stuff that will affect the entire Continuum as opposed to individual games/settings.

- Scion: some very impassioned creators sharing their ideas at this very early stage. Early next week we’ve prepared a special file for our Scion fans (something fun but which doesn’t distract any of our creative team from Scion 2).

- Demon: The Frutang: some example of play commentary from Black Hat Matt McFarland’s play test will be going up on the new Demon blog.

- Free RPG Day Project: Reap the Whirlwind, for VtR, is a combined 64 page booklet that combines a revised version of “Into the Void” and additional rules files from the Strix and God Machine Chronicles. This will be available at participating friendly local game stores in June, I think, and is currently being put into editing.

Reason for Drinking: As soon as I get the EX3 Kickstarter submitted, or Mummy: The Curse on sale, or W20 to press, I’m taking a slug for sure .  I really am. This week for sure.


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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2347 am: 27.03.2013 | 23:23 »
Mummy the Curse gibt es jetzt über DTRPG zu beziehen
« Letzte Änderung: 27.03.2013 | 23:40 von Nin »

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2348 am: 29.03.2013 | 11:04 »
Der Beitrag von Onyx Path Publishing zum Free RPG Day

Onyx's Free RPG Day product is a quickstart for Vampire. It contains standalone Kindred character creation rules, the basic rules updated for GMC and B&S, and the first two dots of every clan Discipline. The included scenario is an updated version of "Into the Void" by Chuck Wendig. You may recall Chuck as the author of the Gangrel clanbook and the developer of Hunter: The Vigil.

You can get a free copy at your local game store June 15th. We'll be posting it online later, but due to the Free RPG Day rules we have to wait a bit.
Spiele regelmäßig: Dungeons & Dragons 5e (Call of the Netherdeep und eine Homebrew-Kampagne)
Leite regelmäßig: Dungeons & Dragons 5e
Leite manchmal: Cypher System, Dragonbane, Liminal, Old Gods of Appalachia, Star Trek Adventures 2e
Bereite vor: nichts. Ich warte auf Daggerheart und Legend in the Mist


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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2349 am: 29.03.2013 | 11:11 »
Falls es echt 64 Seiten dick sein sollte, dann finde ich das einen fetten und coolen Beitrag für den Free-RPG-Day.