Hier mal ein Auszug aus den vorbereiteten Fragen:
Interview questions
1. Westeros is a very dark, unique world. How was the idea of Westeros born?
2. One of the greatest and most fascinating aspects of your novels is the way you present your characters. They are livelike and multi-dimensional. Do you base them on real persons or how do you create such fantastic characters?
3. Your series started in the 1990s and at present, you are still working on future installments. Was there a detailed plot line from the beginning and have you deviated from it by now?
4. Westeros is a dark and deadly world. Your characters suffer through tragedy and misery and a lot of them die during the series. Is it difficult to let them go? Do you miss some of them?
5. Your characters come from very diverse social backgrounds and belong to various age groups. Is it difficult to enter their mindset? What is most difficult and most rewarding about it?
6. Your story has found interpretations in various media. There is a fantastic comic book series and a immensely successful TV series. How do you feel about these visualisations of you work? Is there one version that comes especially close to your original vision? And how do you feel about fan writings or rpg adventures in your world?
7. You are a storyteller who will inspire and influence future generations of storytellers. But what where the stories of your youth, your childhood heroes? And what authors influenced you and your style?
8. "The Ice Dragon"was your first children's book and it is a great read. My daughter loves it. Will there be more children's books? What other projects apart from Westeros can we expect in the future?
9. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
10. Is there anything you would like to tell your German fans?