Gestern ist bei mir der Millenium Falcon für das X-Wing-Miniaturenspiel angekommen und HOLY CRAP!!! Das Ding ist echt schick und ziemlich groß.
Im Zuge dessen hab ich nochmal die X-Wing-Regeln angeguckt und ich glaube, es ist wirklich gar nicht so schwierig, die Regeln von Edge of the Empire mit dem Miniaturenspiel zu verweben.
Im FFG-Forum hat sich da schonmal jemand Gedanken zu gemacht und auf den ersten Blick klingt das alles ziemlich sinnig.:
"The Krayt's Fang is a standard YT-1300 using the Outer Rim Smuggler pilot card. The only difference is that the pilot skill on the card is changed to reflect the skill of the pilot which is equivalent to Agility + Pilot skill ranks (e.g. Pash would have a Pilot Skill of 5). Just as in the main game, the PC's take one of the following roles aboard the ship:
Pilot (x1) - Chooses the direction and speed of the ship on the maneuver dial and may do one of the following actions:
A successful Pilot test (difficulty is set by the arrow on the maneuver dial: green = easy, white = average, red = hard) will give the ship a Focus (gaining the advantage), Evade (evasive maneuvers) or Boost (punch it) token as long as the ship has access to those tokens (only Focus is available to the Krayt's Fang) - Pilot tests are affected by the ship's handling stat (bonuses are Boost die and penalties are Setback die)
A successful Pilot test is needed to avoid taking damage from a collision (difficulty is set by the arrow on the maneuver dial: green = easy, white = average, red = hard)
Any Gunner or Co-Pilot Action
Gunner (x2) - Rolls the weapons dice for a single attack from the ship and may do one of the following actions:
A successful Gunnery test will establish a Target Lock (difficulty is equal to the speed of the targetted ship)
Switch to another position in the ship
Engineer (x2) - Rolls the agility dice for the ship and may do one of the following actions:
A successful Mechanics (hard) test will restore one of the ship's shields
A successful Mechanics (hard) test will turn a critical damage card face down
A successful Athletics (hard) test will remove one damage card (warum die hier Athletics nehmen, ist mir nicht klar...)
Switch to another position in the ship
Co-Pilot (x1) - Adds their ranks in Pilot to the ship's Pilot Skill (Oskara would raise Pash's pilot skill to 6) and may do one of the following actions:
A successful Computers (average) test prevents one enemy ship from granting benefits to or gaining benefits from other ships
A successful Perception (hard) test reveals the pilot and upgrade cards of one enemy ship
A successful Astrogation (average) test will plot a hyperspace course, the ship may leave the battle by exiting the edge of the board in the following turn
Switch to another position on the ship
PC controlled ships do not receive upgrade cards unless they have ship related talents which are negated by the X-Wing rules. For example, with Pash, Skilled Jockey operates as normal, but Full Throttle might grant the equivalent of Engine Upgrades (allowing a ship to Boost) and Improved Full Throttle might grant Push the Limit (allowing Pash to do two actions)
Stress would work as normal and enemy ships operate normally too (I figure that the lack of tests is balanced by the limit of a single action) to keep the action as quick as possible and reduce the GM's job. Destruction of a ship doesn't necessarily mean character death, just that the ship is effectively out of the fight (e.g. like Wedge in ANH), which can lead to crash landings, boarding actions and other excitement.
This would be a develop it as you go system, but my first impressions are that it would be more dynamic that the ship combat in the book (which is essentially just dice rolling). I've already thought about how things would change for fighters. Essentially a Y-Wing could have a Pilot/Gunner and an Astromech as a Co-Pilot/Engineer. I'd rule that the ship can't jump to Hyperspace without an Astromech."
Wer einen Blick in die Grundregeln von X-Wing werfen möchte, kann sich hier ein gut gemachtes Video-Tutorial angucken: