Autor Thema: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter  (Gelesen 75468 mal)

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #100 am: 31.10.2017 | 09:38 »
Irgendwie habe ich mittlerweile das Interesse und die Begeisterung für das Game fast komplett verloren. Schade eigentlich.

Also wenn ich zwanzig Jahre warte, kann ich auch fünfundzwanzig Jahre warten - oder fünfzig.  ;D Und irgendwann sieht man ja dann auch IRL, ob unser Kosmos nur ein Vorhang ist.  :o

Gefällt dir nicht, was du bis jetzt zu sehen bekommen hast, oder dauert es einfach zu lange?
Die Zwillingsseen: Der Tanelorn Hexcrawl
Im Youtube-Kanal: Meine PnP-Let's-Plays
Kumpel von Raven c.s. McCracken

Offline achlys

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #101 am: 31.10.2017 | 09:46 »
Die lange Verzögerung hat ihnen leider schon einiges an Fanzuneigung gekostet. Auf der anderen Seite gibt es einige Hartgesottene, die weiterhin aushalten. Im Forum gibt es ja jetzt einige Regelkapitel zur SC- und Kampangenerschaffung usw. und im Collectorsforum auch einiges an Background. Das ist geiler Scheiß, der mich auch ziemlich auf Trapp hält.  :headbang:
Ich denke, dass es bei Veröffentlichung noch zu einem weiteren kleinen Hype kommt, der ihnen weiteren Vorlauf gibt.

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #102 am: 1.11.2017 | 21:22 »
So neues Update:
Am WE gab es ein Projekttreffen des Kuklt:DL Teams. Mit dabei waren auch Gunilla und Michael, die Autoren der ersten Edition von Kult. Neben einer kleinen K:DL Testrunde wurden zukünftige Kult Projekte besprochen.
Weiterhin ein Update zum Stand der Dinge: Die Core Rules sollen Mitte bis Ende Dezember als PDF rauskommen, Black Madonna Ende November und alles andere Anfang Januar. Die gedruckte Version Anfang 2018.
Alle Kapitel, die bisher nicht im Forum veröffentlicht wurden, werden im Laufe dieser Woche dort eingestellt werden.

Update #85

Oct 31 2017

A weekend of meetings and greetings


It’s time for a project update with some more details and an updated Tracker.
Meeting in Metropolis
The KDL team had a project meeting over the weekend. Apart from the core team participating together with other members from Helmgast, we had some visitors coming by. There was even time to play some KULT: Divinity Lost, in the late hours of Saturday night. You might recognize two faces here.

Then and now - original Kult authors Gunilla and Michael together with Robin and Petter

Petter deciding to take that definitive roll. A roll turning out to end not only his own character's life, but also taking Gunilla's character with him whilst plunging down the cliff side into the unforgiving sea off the Scottish coast.

Gunilla and Michael (original authors of Kult first edition) stepped by and played a short impro scenario (using the KULT: Divinity Lost scenario creation system). In addition to participating in the gaming, Gunilla and Michael were there to discuss some secret, but very exciting, KULT-related things. They too have plans involving KULT, and as nothing is official yet, we encourage all fans to keep an eye open for what they’re cooking in the undergrounds of old town Stockholm.

Team members in intense discussions during the weekend. Occasional breaks were allowed - to boost creativity.

One main item discussed was obviously launch date. Our goal was to have the books out by Christmas, and it looks like we will have the digital version ready. However, the print versions will arrive early 2018, based on the estimates from our print partners, and also the time needed to make sure all materials have been presented to backers for the chance of reading and supplying feedback. We intend to have all chapters (only a handful non-published to date) from the Core Rules online at the KDL Forum during this week. We really appreciate the feedback the already released chapters have received from you. You are helping in making the final product even better. To further mitigate potential bottlenecks, we have allocated even more staff resources to the project. It's been a long wait, but we are very close to the finish line.

Progress details

More explicit details below. The updated Tracker can be download here.

Core Rule Book

All chapters are written and translated. The final chapters which have not been published at the KDL forum will be so during this week. The core authors, Robin and Petter, are in the meantime updating those chapters which have been published at the KDL forum, incorporating backer comments. Artwork is available (with the exception for minor adjustments to some archetypes). As Robin and Petter have incorporated backer comments and the chapters have been finally proof-read, they will, one by one as soon as finalised, be sent to Dan “Dante” Algstrand (our Art Director) for layout. A pdf of the Core Rule Book will be available for download by all backers ahead of Christmas.

Black Madonna

Text and translations are done. A few illustrations need tweaks and so the artist responsible for these have been asked to update. 50% is finalised also in terms of layout. The rest will follow and a pdf of the Black Madonna will be available for download by end of November.

Taroticum and Other Tales

The second largest scenario (Oakwood Heights) is published and completed. For Taroticum all text has been written and translated, currently undergoing editing. The other tales are also written (and translated where written by non-native English speakers), currently undergoing edit and proof-reading. These will be sent for layout. We are in contact with an additional art director with the same excellent skillset that Dante (our Head Art Director) possesses, and are hopefully he will have time to do layout of these scenarios. Artwork is finalised except for one tale where additional illustrations are ordered and will be included. Expected delivery of pdf is January latest.

Player’s Handbook, Archetype Bundle, Deck of Cards, and Narrator’s Screen

Artwork available and what to be included decided on. Layout to start once Core Rule Book is completed.

Other items

Poster, Postcards and Dice ordered from supplier. We are still waiting on the final art for the Tarot Deck.

Kind regards,
the KDL team

Offline achlys

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #103 am: 12.11.2017 | 23:44 »
Nach einiger Verzögerung (kein Update letztes WE) hier die neusten Neuigkeiten: Die Kapitel der Core Rules sind im Lektorat oder bereits im Layout. Sie bedanken sich für das Feedback im Forum. Das Tarotdeck wird mit mehr Künstlern bestückt, da es sonst zum Produktionsflaschenhals werden könnte. Die PDFs zu Black Madonna sollen Ende November erscheinen, kurz danach die Core Rules. Als Dienstleister für den Versand wurde GamesQuest  gewählt.

Update Nr. 86

12. Nov 2017
Your voices have pierced the veil of the illusion

Dear Kultist,

The Core Rule Book chapters are now either with the editors (for final editing) or with our AD for layout, so we'll be able to get the PDFs to you as per our latest time schedule. Our eternal gratitude goes out to those many backers which have commented on the chapters published at the KDL Forum. We have considered all of them and with your help the final product will be even better! For instance, following feedback on the the mythos chapter "Gaia", a whole new segment have been added to that chapter.

We have also progressed on the Tarot Deck cards with all cards in the Major Arcana having been finalised. We've also added AD resources to this project to ramp up layout as that is otherwise in the risk zone of becoming a bottleneck. We are looking forward to presenting you with PDFs of the Black Madonna before end of November, followed by the Core Rule Book shortly thereafter.

On the administration side we have decided to go with GamesQuest as fulfilment center. They have the right resources, experience and personnel for ensuring a quick turnaround of the KDL products you've ordered once they reach their storage directly from the printers. PledgeManager is still open, and will remain open at least until Christmas. In the next update we will communicate an exact date for closure of PledgeManager so we can pass on your individual order information to GamesQuest in order for them to be as prepared as possible. If you know you have changed your address since filling in the information in PledgeManager, please revisit your order information and update your address accordingly.

All the best,
the KDL team

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #104 am: 19.11.2017 | 22:21 »
Neues Update:
Nicht viel neues. Die bald kommenden pdfs werden erst mal als beta rauskommen, da der Drucktermin ja in den Januar verschoben wurde. Find ich persönlich ok. Der Pledgemanager schließt am 16.01.2018

Update #87

Nov 19 2017
Getting closer to enlightenment


A shorter update this week; things are moving along as per our latest schedule. The Black Madonna is soon ready to be published as beta. Considering we have postponed printing to the new year, we will release beta PDFs (rather than final versions). This will give us the opportunity to catch any last spelling errors, references or other things which despite all editing and the backers eminent assistance in reviewing the material, have slipped through. Final versions will be released in connection with the material being sent for printing early 2018. The same procedure will apply for the Core Rule Book, which is on track for release pre-Christmas.

We have also decided that PledgeManager will close on 16 January 2018 at CET 23.00 / EST 5.00 pm / GMT 10.00 pm / HKT (17 January) 6.00 am. Before such time you must have updated your address and closed your order for dispatch in the first round of send outs from our fulfillment partner GamesQuest. Check out this update for more information on how to log on to PledgeManager:

Next update will be when the Black Madonna is available for PDF download with instructions on how to get it.

the KDL team

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #105 am: 10.12.2017 | 21:59 »
Im vorletzten Update kam die Beta zu "The Black Madonna" raus. Das ging leider nur an die Backer selbst. Im neuen Update gibt es ein Treackerupdate und die Prognose, dass die Core Rules bis zum 18.12. ebenfalls als Beta erscheinen.

Update Nr. 89

10. Dez 2017
Getting closer!


Work is progressing as planned. You will find the updated tracker here.

Our Art Director is working on finalising the Core Rule Book. Many chapters are complete, but still a number of them to go. As it looks we will hold the deadline and deliver pre-Christmas - we are expecting to be releasing the Core Rule Book Beta PDF Christmas week (i.e. week commencing 18 Dec). Dice and other items are due to arrive to our storage any day - the long wait for KULT: Divinity Lost is starting to come to an end!

As soon as the Core Rule Book is available, we will send out an update to all backers together with a link for download.

the KDL team

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #106 am: 11.12.2017 | 17:31 »
Und zack, das nächste Update. Diesmal geht es um die Nominierung für den Enworld Award Most Anticipated RPG of 2018.

Update Nr. 90

11. Dez 2017
Vote for KULT: Divinity Lost!

Are you excited about the soon to be released horror RPG KULT: Divinity Lost? Make this known and tell the world over on Enworld’s vote for the Most Anticipated RPG of 2018.

The vote closes in just a few days time so make sure you don’t get lost in the Illusion before that.!#.Wi5Rd0riYkk

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #107 am: 18.12.2017 | 21:31 »
3. Platz bei den ENAwards für das am heißesten ersehnte Rollenspiel 2018!  :headbang:

Update Nr. 91

18. Dez 2017

KULT: Divinity Lost is one of the most anticipated RPG's of 2018!

We are humbled and grateful for your praise and excitement! We are very happy for our "medal position" (and bronze is very much a colour made for Kult!) and look forward to relaunching this beautiful and deep horror game early 2018. Again thanks to all our fans and voters!


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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #108 am: 22.12.2017 | 21:31 »
Wieder ein Doppelupdate:
Nr 92 enthält die Ankündigung, dass sie ihre Deadline zur Beta nicht halten können und das pdf nur "Book I: The Lie" enthalten wird. Dieser Teil beinhaltet die Charaktererschaffung und die Basisregeln. “Book II: The Madness” und “Book III: The Truth”. Book II wird  der Teil für den Spielleiter und Book III für die Settingbeschreibungen. (Das Endprodukt wird aber alle drei Teile in einem Band enthalten.)


Update Nr. 92

20. Dez 2017

The Lie


We expect to release the first part of the BETA of the KULT: Divinity Lost Core Rules later this week (target date is Friday the 22nd). The complete Core Rules will consist of three distinct sections (or "books"), one for the Player, one for the GM, and one describing the world and mythos of the KULT: Divinity Lost universe. These three sections are called “Book I: The Lie”, “Book II: The Madness”, and “Book III: The Truth”, respectively.

(And to make it super clear - these three sections all will come in the form of a single physical book when printed.)

We had hoped to be able to release all three books at the same time, however Book II and Book III will not ready for BETA before Christmas, and are expected to arrive after the new year. Instead of waiting with Book I, which is in BETA, until the rest are ready, we split the Core Rules BETA release, and Book I arrives this week.

Book I: The Lie is the Player section, and will include Character generation, all aware level archetypes (the enlightened archetypes are included in Book II and III), the sleeper level player character, rules for how to create a new archetype, the full list of Advantages and Disadvantages and Dark Secrets, detailed Basic Moves, and Equipment and Gear (and weapons). In total 80 pages of information.

What BETA means is that the book is “content complete”, meaning no major additions or changes will be made. The BETA is missing some artwork and minor texts

We would very much appreciate feedback during the upcoming weeks, before we start printing the physical books. The feedback we would like to be pointed out is, for example, grammar mistakes, typos, formatting errors, and things that need to be tweaked or better explained. Major rewrites or structural changes will not happen at this stage. 

We have made the raw texts available during ALPHA stage, and really appreciated the feedback we got. If you made a comment during ALPHA and notice the error remains, please note it in the BETA for final catch-up. 


-The KDL Design Team

« Letzte Änderung: 22.12.2017 | 22:46 von achlys »

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #109 am: 22.12.2017 | 22:46 »
Nr 93 ging heute nur an die Backer und enthält wie angekündigt Book I: The Lie.

Insgesamt 83 Seiten mit Charaktererschaffung (Archetypes, Advantages und Disadvantages, Dark Secrets, Erstellung eigener Archetypes), "Dramatic Hooks and Advancement" und den Basic Moves. Insgesamt gibt es 21 Archetypen, darunter auch den "Sleeper", der ahnungslos ist und sich für blutige Anfänger, die von dem Setting noch keine Ahnung haben, eignet. Alle anderen Archetypen sind "aware", d.h. sich darüber bewusst, dass etwas in der Welt nicht stimmt. Die Archetypen geben mehr den Grundton des SCs an. Sie sind nicht mit den pbtA typischen Playbooks gleichzusetzen.
Advantages und Disadvantages sind als Moves gelöst worden und geben dem SC die eigentliche Farbe, mehr als die Archetypen. Dark Secrets geben dem Charakter einen 'personal drive' und dem SL somit Möglichkeiten und Hinwesie, welche Themen er im Spiel einbauen kann.
Advancement bekommt man, wenn man bestimmte Dramatic Hooks erfüllt hat. Diese können zu Beginn einer Session festgelegt werden, zunächst vom Spielerdes SCs selbst, später von den Mitspielern und dem SL. Das kann z.B. sein: "Du solltest,  deiner Frau erzählen, dass Du fremd gehst." oder "Du solltest dort hin gehen, wo der Kidnapper dich geschnappt hat." Jedes Mal, wenn ein Hook erfüllt wurde, bekommt der SC einen Punkt Experience. Nach 5 Exp bekommt er ein Advancement. Diese sind typisch pbtA gelöst: Erhöhe ein Attribut, ein neues Advantage usw.
Nur der Archetyp Sleeper hat nur eine Möglichkeit: nach 6 Exp wechselt er zu einem anderen Archetyp. Er ist dann "aware".

« Letzte Änderung: 23.12.2017 | 11:26 von achlys »

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #110 am: 13.01.2018 | 22:07 »
Oh, hab Euch vergessen!  :o
Update 94 ging nur an die Backer, allerdings sind keine Infos enthalten, die besonders geheim wären: Die Beta pdfs zu Book II und III der Core Rules kommen die nächsten Tage raus. Book II- The Madness soll spätestens im Laufe der kommenden Woche erscheinen.
Der Fortschrittstracker bekam ein Update und am 24.01. schließt der Pledge Manager.


Update Nr. 94 (Nur für Unterstützer.)

10. Jan 2018
The Madness and closing of Pledge Manager

We hope you've enjoyed the first book of the Core Rule Book which was released just before Christmas. We are now close to BETA release of "Book II: the Madness". This will include chapters aiming to assist the game master (setting up a story, creating a scenario etc), as well as chapters on influences and downtime. The texts for these chapters have previously been released at the KDL forum during the ALPHA phase. Again a big thank you to all that provided comments back then.

The BETA version of "Book II: the Madness" will be released as pdf through Dropbox during next week at the latest. That will then be followed by the last part, "Book III: The Truth" shortly thereafter - more details on that to follow.

The team have also progressed on other items and so the update Tracker is found [ur=]here[/url]. We are nearly there now with all outstanding items and so more detailed information on printing, shipping and delivery will be published once all parts of the Core Rule Book is released as BETA.

Due to requests relating to the Pledge Manager from many backers, we have decided to leave it open until and including 24 January (CET). Thereafter PledgeManager will be closed. Please make sure to order any additional items and update your address if applicable prior to that date. No additional items can be added post 24 January as we will lock your orders and prepare shipping to ensure there is a minimum of time between delivery to our storage and send out.

As always, keep posting your comments in the BETA material and any questions or comments here at Kickstarter or the KDL Forum.

All the best,
the KDL team

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #111 am: 14.01.2018 | 15:59 »
Und das nächste Update: Es gibt eine kleine Vorschau auf das Tarotdeck. Weiterhin noch eine Erinnerung an den am 24.01. schließenden Pledgemanager.

Update Nr. 95

14. Jan 2018
The stars are aligned - a sneak peek of the tarot deck art

Worshipers of the Death Angels,

Upon your request, and in anticipation of the release of the BETA pdf of "Book II: the Madness", here's a preview of the art for the tarot deck. These wonderful illustrations, with many more in the same style, will decorate the tarot cards. All illustrations have been delivered, and post layout of the Core Rule Book and Taroticum & Other Tales, the tarot deck is up for final layout.

This is also a reminder that the Pledge Manager will close at midnight 24 January (CET). Place your final orders and lock down your orders by then, to make sure your order is processed swiftly by our handling and shipping agent as soon as the physical products arrive to the storage. Instructions on how to use Pledge Manager and log on is found here:

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #112 am: 22.01.2018 | 22:20 »
So, zwei neue Updates:

Update 96 ging nur an die Backer mit dem Book II: The Madness, dem Spielleiterkapitel der Core Rules.

Update 97:
Update Nr. 97

22. Jan 2018

Pledge Manager closing on Wednesday


A reminder that you only have 3 more days (including today Monday) to close your orders in Pledge Manager. Your order needs to be closed and your address up to date. Shipping will process as soon as the products have arrived to our storage at our handling agent in England, UK. Pledge Manager will close at midnight (CET) 24 January.

To see how to log on to Pledge Manager and for further instructions, please see this link:

We will the coming days update you on release of the BETA PDF of the last part of the Core Rule Book, called "Book III: The Truth" as well as the other material.

Best, the KDL team

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #113 am: 3.02.2018 | 22:02 »
Oh my fucking gods!

Book III: The Truth beta pdf kam gerade an.

Ich hab ja schon die Alphaversion durchgeschaut und war hin und weg. Jetzt ist alles mit Artwork und Layout ausgestattet, einige Inhalte kamen noch hinzu. 160 Seiten Göttlichkeit. Und zu den Artwork: Nun ja, für den amerikanischen Markt wäre das ein wenig viel explizite Gewalt und Sexualität. Gut zu sehen, dass Kult hier seinen Splatterwurzeln treu geblieben ist.

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #114 am: 12.02.2018 | 14:30 »
Ein kurzes Update für Backer: Der Pledge Manager wurde noch mal für eine Woche geöffnet.

Update Nr. 99

9. Feb 2018
KULT DIVINITY LOST: Pledge Manager re-opened for final changes!

For those of you who have not completed your order in Pledge Manager - here's a final opportunity to complete and lock. Pledge Manager is re-opened, and will remain open throughout Sunday 18 Feb.

For any changes following 18 Feb, your order will need to be handled manually - which means your order is put last in line among backers and shipping will be subject to delay. Locked and completed orders will have priority with our shipping and distribution agent.

To complete your order (including updating your address), please visit Pledge Manager's website: Log in with the email address you used for the Kickstarter campaign.

As always, reach out with any questions.

the KDL team

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #115 am: 13.02.2018 | 22:02 »

Sorry, wenn ich mich da ganz dreißt in den trhead einzecken muss, aber ich bin
neu auf dem gebiet Kickstarter und co.

Ich mach's kurz: Ein Trödelmarktfund (das Grundregelwerk) hat mich kürzlich mit
dem Hintergrund angefixt und seitdem suche ich mehr. Da bietet sich also der Erwerb von DL an. Ist, wenn ich das nicht  falsch verstanden habe, über Mödiphiüs vorbestellbar.

Jetzt macht mich der Absatz "Shippin will be charged in the pledge manager" etas stützig. Wie gesagt: Erst kürzlich drauf gestoßen, daher nichts vom Kickstarter gewusst und nicht unterstützt

Kann ich das bei Mödiphiüs nun regulär vorbestellen oder nur, wenn ich das Projekt unterstützt habe?

Wäre nett, wenn mir als NachwuchsKULTisten jemand was dazu sagen kann. Würde
mich da wirklich gerne einlesen (unabhängig davon, dsass das in meiner Gruppe wohl kaum einer spielen wollen wird ;) ).

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

der DNDepp.

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #116 am: 13.02.2018 | 22:41 »
Meines Wissens kannst Du da regulär vorbestellen. Die betreffende Zeile scheint aus dem Kickstartertext übernommen worden zu sein.

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #117 am: 15.02.2018 | 19:48 »
Heute hat Fria Ligan einen neuen KS gestartet, den ich Euch nicht vorenthalten möchte:

„Death is Only the Beginning - New Novel in the KULT Universe“

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #118 am: 22.02.2018 | 09:08 »
Weiß jemand inzwischen, wann die PDF an die Vorbesteller rausgehen?
Als SL: -
Als Spieler: Runequest Glorantha, Hero Quest Glorantha

Offline achlys

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #119 am: 22.02.2018 | 13:05 »
Keine Ahnung. Die Backer haben Ende Dez / Anfang Jan die beta PDF bekommen.
Ich vermute mal, wenn die Drucksachen da sind.

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #120 am: 16.03.2018 | 18:56 »
So, mir ist wieder ein Update durch die Lappen gegangen, daher fasse ich mal wieder die letzten zwei Updates in ein Post.

Update 100: Ein kurzer Einblick, was seit dem Betamaterial geschehen ist: Black Madonna ist wohl so gut wie fertig; am Core Rulebook wird noch gearbeitet; ebenso am 'Taroticum and other Tales'; die Layouttemplates der anderen Produkte sind fertig. Der Pledgemanager ist geschlossen. Änderungen müssen über Helmgast direkt abgewickelt werden.

Update 101: Die Redaktion ist (weiterhin) dabei, die Korrekturen der Betas einzuarbeiten, was wohl zeitaufwändig ist, da man über mehrere Zeitzonen hinweg zusammen arbeiten muss. Es stellt sich wohl heraus, dass Kult wohl für mache Leser und Länder 'zu viel' ist. In Amerika z.B. muss "Adult Content" wohl auf eine bestimmte Art und Weise vermarktet werden. Daher muss das Artwork in 'Black Madonna' und 'Taroticum' überarbeitet werden. Für die Core Rules wird es ein zum einen die unzensierte Kickstarter Version geben und eine überarbeitete, zensierte Version für die (Einzel-)Händler.  :o
Daher können sie uns kein genaues Datum für den Druck nennen, da diese Änderungen noch eingearbeitet werden.
Zwischenzeitlich sind aber die Poster, Würfel und Postkarten eingetroffen. Die finalen PDFs werden, sobald fertig, über DriveThru an die Backer gehen.

Update Nr. 100

25. Feb 2018
KULT: Divinity Lost - Moving forward!


Below is an update on what has happened since the release of the BETA PDFs of the Core Rule Book and the Black Madonna.

Black Madonna’s editing is final whilst final editing of the Core Rule Books is ongoing. We’re expecting that to take another two weeks. Following that final edit both these products are ready for print. We have made a test print of the layout and so been able to fine-tune print and colour settings as well as decided on paper quality etc.

‘Taroticum and Other Tales’ is well progressed. We’re aiming to have it ready for PDF release within weeks (this product will not be released as BETA).

PDFs of all products will be released to all backers as soon as they are ready for print. We are working intensely on the PDF release solution at the moment - to which you will receive individual log in. It’s quite a puzzle to make sure everyone gets access to the right products, but it will be there in time for the PDFs being available in final format.

Layout templates are complete for Narrator’s Screen, Bible Edition and other items - so once the books are ready for print, these items will be completed. A more exact timeline for when shipping will start and when you can expect delivery will be published once the books are with the printer.

Pledge Manager is now definitely closed. Those who still have not updated or completed your orders now need to email us at with your change requests. Note that any update to your order from now on is made manually and that the order consequently will be placed last in line for items to be shipped in the Kickstarter fulfillment. Those who have completed their orders in time are prioritized.

the KDL team

Update Nr. 101

16. Mär 2018
KULT: Divinity Lost - The Game that was Too Much


It’s time for a new update! Some of you have been asking why we don’t post these as frequently as we’ve done in the past. The reason for that is that we are now in the phase of wrapping up your comments together with the final edit that was made simultaneously and at the back of it. That is quite time-consuming, to make sure we keep consistency through out the material as well as making sure that any follow up amendments needed are also captured.

It has also turned out that, just as in the 90’s, Kult is “too much” for certain audience and certain countries. For instance the US impose quite strict requirements on what can be released and not, and when an item is deemed to be “adult content” - restrictions as to how it may be marketed.

This means that we will need to tweak a few illustrations in the Black Madonna and Taroticum & Other Tales. These tweaks are to be made at once. We need to find the right balance with all involved parties around the world (distributors, retailers, shipping agents etc) to make sure that the products end up in your hands and not be caught by some “censoring” governmental authority along the way. It’s not a lot of work as such, but working with people in vastly different time zones makes the process slower than we would like.

The Core Rule Book that was available in the Kickstarter (all the editions) for backers will be printed as a limited “uncensored” version. We intend to develop a new Core Rule Book that is “retail friendly”, with adjustments to artwork and other content deemed “too much”. The Retail Friendly version will be finalized post-delivery of all backers’ orders, to not consume time from finalizing the backer rewards. Thus, retailers will only sell the Retail Friendly version, meaning that the Backer and Pre-order print run of the Core Rule Books will be more limited, or rare, than we expected.

We wish we could tell you the exact date for sending the books for print, but today we can’t give an exact date. We will get back to you once we get closer.

In the meantime, other material than the books are stacking up at our storage, waiting for printed books to arrive and shipping to start. Things like postcards, posters and dices have arrived (pic included here). Pins and bags are to arrive within short. Deck of Card, Tarot Cards and Narrator’s Screen are procured and so once we have final print files they will be printed in a rather short time period. For the books, test print have been made allowing us to fine tune color, contrast, paper quality and layout templates.

Furthermore, we are now ready to launch final PDFs when they are completed. PDFs will be released through All backers will need to register with (it’s free of charge) to gain access to the PDFs when released. More information on this will follow in a separate update as we get closer.

All the best,
the KDL team

Offline Matterich

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #121 am: 18.03.2018 | 05:30 »
Boah, das mit den Änderungen wegen drohender Zensur kotzt mich gerade ziemlich an. Ich hab noch niemals bei kickstarter oder sowas ähnlichem mitgemacht. Hab ich jetzt Pech und bin zu spät dran, oder könnte ich das jetzt noch dort oder über eine email bestellen?

Offline schneeland

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #122 am: 18.03.2018 | 07:24 »
Der Pledge-Manager ist mittlerweile zu - dürfte also leider schwierig werden. Wie gravierend die Änderungen sind; ist aber auch noch nicht klar. Ich denke mal, ein paar unzensierte Ausgaben dürfte es dann auch auf eBay&Co geben (mir ist selber auch die Lust auf das Spiel größtenteils vergangenen durch die ewigen Verzögerungen).
Brothers of the mine rejoice!
Swing, swing, swing with me
Raise your pick and raise your voice!
Sing, sing, sing with me

Offline Matterich

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #123 am: 18.03.2018 | 08:23 »

Danke für die schnelle Antwort.
(mir ist selber auch die Lust auf das Spiel größtenteils vergangenen durch die ewigen Verzögerungen).
diese Verzögerungen könnten dann also mein Glück sein. Habe jetzt erst mit dem alten Kult-RPG angefangen und weiß auch erst seit kurzem, dass es diese Neuauflage geben wird.

Offline Camouflage

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Re: [KULT] Divinity Lost: Kickstarter
« Antwort #124 am: 18.03.2018 | 14:30 »
Ich hab nicht bei Kickstarter mitgemacht (mangels Kreditkarte) sondern direkt nach Abschluss der Kampagne über den Modipheus Online-Shop ein von den KS-Paketen vorbestellt (das hatten die extra für Leute wie mich eingerichtet, weil ich nicht der einzige war, der nachgefragt hatte, ob man auch anders als über KS mitmachen kann). Ich weiß aber nicht, ob sie die noch im Sortiment sind.

So wie ich die Meldung lese, scheinen ja auch die Vorbesteller die unzensierten Versionen zu bekommen, aber ich überlege grad, ob ich da noch mal explizit nachfrage.
12. To beat your enemy, you must know him. 13. Your enemy is the highest authority on the topic of himself. 14. So listen when your enemy speaks, but do not credit his words. 15. Listening is a real bargain. 16. Credit is way overpriced.
- Book of Del, Chapter 6, The Book of Retcon