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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2300 am: 19.02.2013 | 23:06 »
Interessant das CCP scheinbar nicht alles an der God Machine approved hat und sie manches neu machen müßen / überarbeiten.

Da redet er über die Artwork und nicht über den Text. Das kommt in Deiner Darstellung nicht so raus ;)
Spiele regelmäßig: Dungeons & Dragons 5e (Call of the Netherdeep und eine Homebrew-Kampagne)
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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2301 am: 19.02.2013 | 23:10 »
Da redet er über die Artwork und nicht über den Text. Das kommt in Deiner Darstellung nicht so raus ;)
Stimmt schon ^^;
Wobei ich da gern ein Mäuschen gewesen wäre und mitbekommen was weshalb redone werden musste ^.^;
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Offline Wisdom-of-Wombats

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2302 am: 20.02.2013 | 00:12 »
Stimmt schon ^^;
Wobei ich da gern ein Mäuschen gewesen wäre und mitbekommen was weshalb redone werden musste ^.^;

Breaking the nipple barrier? ;)
Spiele regelmäßig: Dungeons & Dragons 5e (Call of the Netherdeep und eine Homebrew-Kampagne)
Leite regelmäßig: Dungeons & Dragons 5e, Liminal
Leite manchmal: Cypher System, Dragonbane, Old Gods of Appalachia, Star Trek Adventures 2e
Bereite vor: Shadowdark Open Table. Ich warte Daggerheart und Legend in the Mist.

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2303 am: 20.02.2013 | 00:38 »
Breaking the nipple barrier? ;)
Ehm, huh ? *guckt verwirrt*
Ich muss zugeben bei den Graphiken nicht auf Nippel geachtet zu haben,.. obwohl da teilweise schon a paar nackende drin sind. Also so in verschiedenen Büchern (zuletzt iirc beim Companion)
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Offline Wisdom-of-Wombats

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2304 am: 20.02.2013 | 00:49 »
Ehm, huh ? *guckt verwirrt*
Ich muss zugeben bei den Graphiken nicht auf Nippel geachtet zu haben,.. obwohl da teilweise schon a paar nackende drin sind. Also so in verschiedenen Büchern (zuletzt iirc beim Companion)

Die "nippel barrier" bezieht sich darauf, dass auf us-amerikanischen Büchern keine Nippel zu sehen sein dürfen. Ähnlich könnte ich mir vorstellen, dass CCP vielleicht einige Artwork in die Richtung zu weit ging. V.a. wenn ich dran denke, wie Machine Age Production so drauf ist ;) Und CCP will ja jugendfrei bleiben. Aber alles nur wilde Spekulation!
Spiele regelmäßig: Dungeons & Dragons 5e (Call of the Netherdeep und eine Homebrew-Kampagne)
Leite regelmäßig: Dungeons & Dragons 5e, Liminal
Leite manchmal: Cypher System, Dragonbane, Old Gods of Appalachia, Star Trek Adventures 2e
Bereite vor: Shadowdark Open Table. Ich warte Daggerheart und Legend in the Mist.

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2305 am: 21.02.2013 | 00:01 »
Wer es ahnte, der ahnte es zurecht, der Requiem of the Night Kickstarter bekam Post von CCP und wurde daher gecancelt.
Alles in allem nicht allzu verwunderlich. ^^

Als kleine Ergänzung, den Account des Projekt-Erstellers hat es auch gleich mit weggenuked.
Wobei nicht erkennbar ist ob freiwillig oder nicht.
« Letzte Änderung: 21.02.2013 | 00:03 von Teylen »
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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2306 am: 24.02.2013 | 17:40 »
Mummy: The Curse w/ The Gentleman Gamer, Ander Wood, C.A. Suleiman and Mark Rein•Hagen

(Mehr Stoff für eure Mumie gibt's hier.)
« Letzte Änderung: 24.02.2013 | 17:58 von Nin »

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2307 am: 24.02.2013 | 23:51 »
Etwas Schade das man nichts vom System sieht.
Der Spielweise nachzufolgen ist es für mich schwer dort überhaupt einen Unterschied zwischen klassischer und neuerer World of Darkness zu sehen.
Respektive die Notwendigkeit eines Regelwerk neben dem Setting-Fluff. Besonders irritierend fand ich den Verzicht auf Regeln bei der Kampfszene.

Wobei ich zugeben das diese dieser Szene, hätte man das Video veröffentlicht und mir gezeigt während der Kickstarter lief, für mich ein Grund gewesen wäre meine Pledge zu canceln. (Tatsächlich erweckte das Video bei mir den eher irrationalen Drang mein Buch nachdem eintreffen zu verscherbeln)
"Using my crotch as a spear!?!" "As one of the Prostitutes comes at you, you impale her,..." WTF?
Meine persönliche Comfort-Zone war schon zuvor mit den andauernden Sprüchen von wegen ho's, whores, prostitutes und dem "lustigen" Beschreibungen wie eben diese verprügelt werden durchaus überschritten. (Weniger wegen des Inhalts, als wirklich mehr wegen der Art)
Aber das die Frauen dann mit dem crotch erst über den Bauch aufgespießt werden und anschließend noch in den Kopf nach gestochen wird,...
Das hat für mich stark F.A.T.A.L.'eske Züge getragen.

Einmal abgesehen von dem imho komplett fehlenden Element der Spannung.
Sowohl beim Kampf als auch bei dem rumrennen als Leiche ohne jede Konsequenz oder den Allzweck-Goons.
Und davon abgesehen das es sowas wie Morality, als Konzept oder auch nur lose Idee, nicht mehr zu geben scheint.
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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2308 am: 25.02.2013 | 00:53 »
Na, dann haben die offenbar sehr offen gespielt.
Und der Crotch-Kram, äh, muss wohl den ihr ... Kram gewesen sein. wtf?

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2309 am: 25.02.2013 | 01:06 »
Jops, deswegen hab ich es auch hier geschrieben anstelle in einem der beiden Mumien Threads.
Heißt ich nehme mal an das es nicht allzu System-eigen ist.

Das heißt es hängt einerseits mit der Spielform, die im Grunde Freeform ist.
Andererseits mit der Spielweise. Also dem was dann so im Wechselspiel an Charakter Handlungen beschrieben wurde.

Die Sache mit dem Crotch lief so das, wenn ich es richtig verstand, der Spieler der Mumie seine Kultisten mit einer "magischen" Fähigkeit quasi eine Waffe gab die so etwas wie ziemlich schweren Schaden verursacht. Nun und da sich die Spieler aus suchen durften war, es scheinbar zu "langweilig" erschien das ein weiterer Charakter die Prostituierten "normal" zu verprügelte,...
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Offline Wisdom-of-Wombats

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2310 am: 25.02.2013 | 01:22 »
(Tatsächlich erweckte das Video bei mir den eher irrationalen Drang mein Buch nachdem eintreffen zu verscherbeln)

Falls Du das wirklich machst, melde Dich bitte ;)
Spiele regelmäßig: Dungeons & Dragons 5e (Call of the Netherdeep und eine Homebrew-Kampagne)
Leite regelmäßig: Dungeons & Dragons 5e, Liminal
Leite manchmal: Cypher System, Dragonbane, Old Gods of Appalachia, Star Trek Adventures 2e
Bereite vor: Shadowdark Open Table. Ich warte Daggerheart und Legend in the Mist.


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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2311 am: 26.02.2013 | 00:35 »
Monday Meeting: Frustrating Thieves since 1955
February 25, 2013
By IanW

photo-e1361829530918(Reposted from

I was late to my weekly Monday Lunch Meeting with Eddy today, because I had to drive down to Philly and help deal with a situation at my late Mother’s house. Somebody broke in and ransacked the place- hence the opening pic- and so police were called, and all that stuff you do in this circumstance needed to be done. But the joke was on the thieves, as my Mom never had anything worth stealing. It was a point of pride with her that she didn’t need or like expensive things- in fact, other than enjoying electricity for TV and air conditioning, she could have been Amish. So, in the end, they made a mess (but not a nasty one thankfully), threw around some cushions, and for reasons unknown unmade the beds. No sign of extended habitation or vandalism. Although there was a twinge of outrage towards somebody rifling through the house I grew up in, it was really just a time-waster for me that made me late for the Monday Lunch Meeting. And now has made you late to read the stuff you’re really interested in. :)

In the abbreviated time we had left, Eddy and I discussed the Revised WW 2013 and 2014 schedule that is now in CCP’s hands for approval. Not much changed in terms of the projects in 2013 except for the release dates as I tried to anticipate any more shifts, but I think a lot of the projects for 2014 are pretty cool and designed to give a moment in 2014 to almost all the game-lines WW has. Once we get the WW Schedule hammered out with CCP, I’ll start letting folks put out some teasers here and there.

Since we had just played a session of Eddy’s V20 Chronicle last night, we also delved into something I had noticed during the session: the idea of personal scenes that are hidden from the rest of the players, and personal scenes that are played out in front of the other players. We had both last night and the two types of scenes served two pretty different purposes to the narrative. The Hidden scene is the more realistic- as players outside the sequestered group we know something is going on (or not if we really are role-playing and the scene is truly Hidden from us) and Eddy gets to leaven the results into the larger story later. The Overt scene is being played out in front of us players, but not our characters, so now we know something that realistically we shouldn’t but which allows us to be spectators in the narrative. And the Storyteller weaves the actions of the active characters into the narrative right there in front of us. Having booted non-participating players out of the room on occasion because “You wouldn’t hear this”, I’m personally more likely to opt for the Hidden scene option, but what I liked about it last night was that I felt like even though my character was across town pretending to be a street person, I as a participant in the night’s game was still engaged with the story and not reading an article waiting for my turn to  play my character. And then at the end of the scene, Eddy asked if the participants were going to tell the rest of the Coterie and they answered “Yep, texting them right now”. So our characters got the info after all, but even the idea that we might not added tension and paranoia to our tense and paranoid game. In the end, we pretty much feel like this is just another tool to tell a story and get players immersed in it and that depending on the sort of game, and the narrative sophistication of the players (can you play a character that doesn’t know something you the player does?), both kinds of scenes have their roles to play.

And then there’s the lineup:

-  God Machine Chronicle (nWoD) is in Layout and most art has been CCP Approved, but a few redone art pieces are coming in.

-  Strix Chronicle Fiction Anthology (VtR) Strix is into Editing.

- Mummy the Curse - The new Backer PDF is live and we’re waiting to hear if the PoD files were approved by the printer. Once they are I’ll get a physical copy sent to me and if it’s cool, we’ll go live on DTRPG. And once I get a cover template from the printer now that the final page count has been settled, we’ll get those files out to start the creation of the traditionally printed KS version. Chaney is working to get the Character Sheet Pack reward ready for Backers.

- Exalted 3rd Edition:  More art sketches coming in and a few finals. Our intention is to have some smashing new pieces ready for the EX3 Kickstarter in early March. We’re working on a new logo, I have a cartographer rendering the new map, and we’ve actually got a very cool soundtrack put together for the KS video. There things are just taking some time to pull together. The DEVs are currently head down and deep into the Charms section.

- V20 Hunters Hunted 2:  New sections are getting written. We’re doing that while Amazon Payments verifies all the payments.

- V20 Anarchs Unbound is almost done in post writing Development. Our editor is standing by for the files this week. You can check out How to shatter praxis and install your own Anarch utopia. here:

- Deluxe Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition:  The Index looks to be huge but is now done and in the designer’s capable hands. We should be able to have an Advance PDF out to backers pretty quickly once the layout is OK’d by me. A little feedback from Backers as to their names while we arrange the PoD files, and then we’ll be prepping the Deluxe printer files. Mike Lee is three quarters-way through his novel.  The Storyteller Screen files will go off to press with W20 and I hope to get the Wallpaper out to Backers very soon. Bill is preparing the W20 Anthology outline and looking for prospective writers.  The Skinner is going to Editing. The White Howlers Tribe Book is with a writer.

-Deluxe Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition has been confirmed for September-ish 2013 and Phil Brucato has started assigning writers and has started writing his part. Talking to a guy about the art. That guy: pretty excited about the art.

- W20 Changing Breeds is in Editing.

- W20 Rage Across the World: Most of the art is in but a bit continues to trickle in.

- Guildhalls of the Deathless (MtC) is being written.

- Conventionbook: Progenitors (cMtA) is done in Editing, art is going to CCP for approval.

- Mage Translation Guide has begun being written, we have an Editor ready.

- W20 Book of the Wyrm is being written and red-lined. Check out the W20 blog notes:

Reason for Drinking: It could be worse, you could be living in Philadelphia. (If you are in Philly, or as far out as Quakertown like Chuck Wendig, take two drinks).

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2312 am: 2.03.2013 | 12:42 »
Vom fB Account von OPP:
Fun fact: Forsaken's auspices are largely based on Apocalypse's auspice names run backwards through Grimm's Law to imply a more ancient origin.

Ahroun <--> Rahu
Galliard <--> Cahalith
Philodox <--> Elodoth
Theurge <--> Ithaeur
Ragabash <--> Irraka

Grimm's Law

... Und da fragt man sich wieso manch ein Fan das Gefühl haben mag das es nur alter Wein in neuen Bechern war
(bzw. finde zumindest ich es weniger "fun"  ^^; )

Oh und auf OPP wurde eine Liste aller verfügbaren Demos zusammengestellt.
Damit man am Internationalen TableTop-Tag diese nutzen kann,...
« Letzte Änderung: 2.03.2013 | 12:53 von Teylen »
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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2313 am: 2.03.2013 | 12:58 »
... Und da fragt man sich wieso manch ein Fan das Gefühl haben mag das es nur alter Wein in neuen Bechern war
(bzw. finde zumindest ich es weniger "fun"  ^^; )

Fand ich jetzt GERSADE bei Werewolf nicht. Da hatte ich tatsächlich zum ersten mal das gefühl einen WERWOLF zu spielen, und nicht ein... ding.
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Teddy sucht Mage

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2314 am: 2.03.2013 | 13:00 »
Fand ich jetzt GERSADE bei Werewolf nicht. Da hatte ich tatsächlich zum ersten mal das gefühl einen WERWOLF zu spielen, und nicht ein... ding.
Nun, ich kenne weder das alte noch das neue Werewolf näher.
Es war mehr der erste Eindruck auf die Meldung hin.
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Offline Infernal Teddy

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2315 am: 2.03.2013 | 13:32 »
Bei Vampire würde ich dir mehr oder weniger recht geben, aber Werewolf war schon sehr anders als sein vorgänger, Mage war ein GANZ anderes Spiel, und über Lost müssen wir keine Worte mehr wechseln ;)
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Teddy sucht Mage

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2316 am: 6.03.2013 | 19:16 »
It’s Wednesday and Finally Monday Because of Tuesday Addams.

By richt – March 6, 2013 Posted in: Monday Meeting

Yep, things spiraled out of control around here because I didn’t get to write these notes and get them up on Monday, like normal. First of all, with the new year I’ve followed up every Monday Lunch Meeting With Eddy with a second meeting consisting of folks who are helping Onyx Path move forward as a company- which is different than the Development and Art teams that work on each book or line. We look more at the overall concerns for Onyx and right now, and for the past few weeks, we’ve been talking all the time about Marketing. Onyx Path wasn’t even announced until mid last year and that truncated what sorts of methods of information we had to use with all you great folks. As you might have noticed, we really only used social media like the WW Forums, various Facebook pages, my personal and OP‘s Twitter feeds, the Kickstarter communication venues, the Onyx Path website and these blogs. Any interviews or announcements came out as they went live, and with only a skeletal plan. So one of my goals in 2013 was to get our Marketing moving in a cohesive and directed fashion that encompassed and directed what we were already doing with social media, but which also included demo teams at cons and prize support and maybe even parties. So there’s been a lot to discuss in these Monday OP meetings as we got things sorted out, and the meeting has ballooned from an hour to, on some Mondays like this last one, four hours. So, I ran out of time to write this up. And then yesterday I sent out the links for the KS Backers’ copies of the Werewolf the Apocalypse Twentieth Anniversary Edition PDFs and that started out taking most of the day and kept going as I wanted to respond to and pull together the Backers’ comments. We’re finding some errors and omissions (Thanks to our eagle-eyed Backers!) but by and large, and with great joy on our part, the vast majority of the comments are in praise of such a beautiful and huge book. Which feels really great, let me say! (The comments are still coming, but the flood eased up overnight.) And I ran out of time to write this up.

So here we are at last, and now the notes from my meeting with Eddy: We started with talking about the pros and cons of Adobe Reader. Right now, its looking good for PDF review, but I was concerned that some of the better features from Acrobat would be missed if I didn’t install Acrobat on my new “main” computer. When I mentioned liking the pen tool in mark-ups for signatures and missed that in Reader, Eddy noted that there’s a HUGE HONKING BUTTON at the top right that says “Sign”. I am so smrt.

In reference to the delivery of the W20 PDF I talked about how getting a preview copy out really helps us clean up those bits of info and errata that even a bunch of eyes and several proofing stages miss. This related to some of the very detail oriented comments that fans post during the Open Dev Process that catch things the writers and Dev gloss over as they pull together the work of several different writers into a coherent whole. This sometimes creates a funny dichotomy with a community member wondering “How could they miss that bit that we talk about at almost every game session?”, and a Dev wondering “How did they catch that obscure reference from a forum post in 2001?” Or words to that effect. The great thing is that what is really a complementary relationship can now be part of how we pull these projects together and the two kinds of game knowledge can be united to make the games better.

We talked, as we should, about CCP Approvals and got some thumbs-up on some art and projects, and at the time the 2013-2014 Schedule was still under review. But as of today, I can say that CCP approved our proposed projects through the end of 2014! Woot! One of my questions about that is whether to release any of the 2014 schedule before Gen Con of this year…maybe in sections? I need to talk to my Marketing guys! (After all, I already know your response: tell us everything!) (And actually, I don’t hide this info just to tease you all. We’ve learned over the years that things WILL change, and people seem to see announced schedules as promises of chunks of heaven and get real miffed when those changes take anything away. So it doesn’t pay to announce things too far out).

Finally, although its not a WW-focused thing, I let Eddy know that we’ve been having some great discussions about both Scion and the Trinity Continuum with their respective Dev teams and hope to have more to say on development progress soon. Is that info you folks would like me to include here like I do the WW properties- keep it all in one update a week?

And here are those WW projects now:
- God Machine Chronicle (nWoD) is in Layout and most art has been CCP Approved, but a few redone art pieces are coming in. A proof is with Matt McFarland: gentleman developer.

- Strix Chronicle Fiction Anthology (VtR) Strix is into Editing.

- Mummy the Curse - The new Backer PDF is live and I’m waiting for a physical PoD copy to get to me and if it’s cool, we’ll go live on DTRPG. Still waiting on a cover template from the printer now that the final page count has been settled; we’ll get those files out to start the creation of the traditionally printed KS version. Chaney is working to get the Character Sheet Pack and Wallpaper rewards ready for Backers this week.

- Exalted 3rd Edition: Looks like this Kickstarter is happening mid-March now as we had a couple of delivery hiccups from our art folks- nothing that could be helped unfortunately, but things are still rolling and the art is looking sweet. We’re working on a new logo, I have a cartographer rendering the new map, and we’ve actually got a very cool soundtrack put together for the KS video. These things are just taking more time to pull together. The DEVs are currently head down and deep into the Charms section, getting together the text we’ll be teasing with Updates throughout the Kickstarter, and getting their vocal cords tuned for the KS video.

- V20 Hunters Hunted 2: New sections are getting written. Rather than tacking them on at the end, we’ll be adding a chapter before the Appendix as that just works better for the flow of the book.

- V20 Anarchs Unbound is almost done in post writing Development. Our editor is standing by for the files this week. You can check out the Storytelling chapter here:

- Deluxe Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition: As I mentioned above, the W20 Backer PDF is out, and folks are loving it. A little feedback from Backers as to their names while we arrange the PoD files, and then we’ll be prepping the Deluxe printer files. Mike Lee is three quarters-way through his novel. The Storyteller Screen files will go off to press with W20 and I hope to get the Wallpaper out to Backers very soon. Bill is preparing the W20 Anthology outline and looking for prospective writers. The Skinner is in Editing and Art Direction. The White Howlers Tribe Book is with a writer (if you want to know who, bug Stew Wilson).

-Deluxe Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition has been confirmed for September-ish 2013 and Phil Brucato has started assigning writers and has started writing his part. Talking to a guy about the art. That guy: pretty excited about the art. Phil: also excited about writing the art descriptions for the full-page pieces of art.

- W20 Changing Breeds is in Editing.

- W20 Rage Across the World: Most of the art is in but a bit continues to trickle in.

- Guildhalls of the Deathless (MtC) is being written.

- Conventionbook: Progenitors (cMtA) is done in Editing, art is going to CCP for approval.

- Mage Translation Guide is being written, we have an Editor ready.

- W20 Book of the Wyrm is being written and red-lined. Check out the W20 blog notes:

Reason for Drinking: W20, at least in PDF form, has seen the light of day finally, and the WW 2013-2014 Schedule has been approved. This is a huge thing as it means we can plot out the next year and a half. It will be…glorious!
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Auch im RL gebe ich mich nicht mit Axxxxxxxxxx ab #RealLifeFilterBlase

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2317 am: 6.03.2013 | 21:27 »
aber Werewolf war schon sehr anders als sein vorgänger
Wie unterscheiden die sich denn?
Merke: Neue Regeln zu erfinden ist nicht schwer, unnötige Regeln zu erkennen und über Bord zu werfen erfordert bedeutend mehr Mut und Sachverstand.

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2318 am: 6.03.2013 | 22:40 »
Wie unterscheiden die sich denn?

Ich nehme an, es geht um die Unterschiede zwischen WoD Werewolf Apocalypse (oWoD) und Forsaken (nWoD)?

Einige der Unterschiede werden z.B. hier aufgezeigt, die sind vom Hintergrund unterschiedlich angelegt und damit sind die jeweiligen Feindbilder/Antagonisten auch teilweise völlig andere.

Bei Apocalypse haftete den Vampiren z.B. der Geruch des Wyrm an, und damit waren sie automatisch Feinde der Werwölfe. Bei Forsaken gibt es das nicht, dort sind die beiden Seiten also nicht von vornherein Feinde.
« Letzte Änderung: 6.03.2013 | 22:42 von Cavalorn »
"Sorry, I thought you were someone else." - "That's ok - I am."

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2319 am: 6.03.2013 | 22:41 »
Wie unterscheiden die sich denn?
Im Groben, nachdem was ich gehört habe,...
Bei Apocalypse sind die Werwölfe eher Captain Planet.
Bei Forsaken sind die Werwölfe eher Ghostbuster.
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Auch im RL gebe ich mich nicht mit Axxxxxxxxxx ab #RealLifeFilterBlase

Offline Cavalorn

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2320 am: 6.03.2013 | 22:44 »
Im Groben, nachdem was ich gehört habe,...
Bei Apocalypse sind die Werwölfe eher Captain Planet.
Bei Forsaken sind die Werwölfe eher Ghostbuster.

So könnte man es tatsächlich ausdrücken, schätze ich.  :D
"Sorry, I thought you were someone else." - "That's ok - I am."

Offline Ein Dämon auf Abwegen

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2321 am: 7.03.2013 | 15:08 »
Merke: Neue Regeln zu erfinden ist nicht schwer, unnötige Regeln zu erkennen und über Bord zu werfen erfordert bedeutend mehr Mut und Sachverstand.

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2322 am: 12.03.2013 | 00:38 »
The Screaming Cat What Screams At Midnight…
– March 11, 2013Posted in: Monday Meeting

It has been a week of sleep disturbances culminating with Eddy postponing our bi-weekly V20 game because he couldn’t sleep well over the weekend due to a screaming cat. I choose to picture said cat as per the Featured Image with this blog. YMMV. Hearing about Eddy’s woes led to a discussion of the extremely uppity-downity (like timey-whimey, but different) energy cycles of creative folks and how self-discipline and professionalism can only force your body to do so much, and then you’re going to do what it tells you. Sometimes that means crashing and getting some serious sleep, sometimes that means that you’re staying up all night for no reason, monkey boy. It’s the body’s call, and the brain is just along for the ride. One of the things I’m trying to do with Onyx Path is to enable the cycles that our creative teams go through if that means they can summon forth more creative work than yelling and screaming at them because we have a deadline might produce. Sometimes, that bears amazing creative fruit, and sometimes we get a messed up schedule, and right now it means we get both. You can check out our Onyx Path website for a revised schedule that our webmaestro Ian is working on, and just because I said I would, here’s is the 2013 WW Schedule as agreed on with CCP:
March  2013

Mummy the Curse

VtR Strix Chronicle Fiction Anthology
April 2013

Werewolf the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition

nWoD- The God Machine Chronicle

MtAs- Convention Book: Progenitors
May  2013

V20- Hunters Hunted II

MtAw/MtAs- Mage Translation Guide

Exalted Third Edition
June 2013

Mummy the Curse- Guildhalls of the Deathless

W20- Book of Changing Breeds

VtR- The Strix Chronicle
July 2013

MtAs- Convention Book: Syndicate

Demon Translation Guide

Mummy the Curse- Book of the Deceived

EX3- Arms of the Chosen
August 2013

Demon the ??

V20- Anarchs Unbound

MtAs- Convention Book: Void Engineers
September 2013

Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition

EX3- The Realm
October 2013

M20- M20 SAS

Mummy the Curse- Sothis Ascends

W20- RAGE Across the World
November 2013

V20- Rites of Blood

Dt?: The Flowers of Hell
December 2013

W20- Book of the Wyrm

DA- Darkening Sky

HtV- Monstrous Basterds (title very tentative)

EX3- Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought

As we’ve said with all our schedules, this one is subject to chaaaaange and these are the months we’d like to make the PDF/PoD versions available at Also, if you were a backer of our last three Kickstarters, you’ll notice that I didn’t include the extra projects we took on as part of those Kickstarters as getting them fit in is something we’re still working on.

Eddy and I also had  a decent chat about the differences between the members of a Dev team on the direction of a project they are working on together, and how those expectations need to be focused on what the Developer is looking to achieve. And how then that whole set of expectations needs to be considered along with those of the community. For example, we discussed the Anniversary Editions- not the main books themselves, but the continuing books we’re doing after the main one for the lines. If we are doing a version of a book published long ago, then why are we updating it? Some folks might want it to be a pure update to the X20 rules, some want them updated setting-wise to the year 2013, some want new info but in the style of the previous book, and some want to change all the stuff that bugged them previously. For the Dev team, the best way to pull these disparate impulses together is for the Dev to create a strong outline for the project that gives clear guidance to the team. Sometimes, for very new or different projects, we’d create an entire “bible” for the project to go into the details of the world we were creating. This was common sense to Eddy and myself, but as he has talked to other writers who haven’t worked for us in the past it appears our methods aren’t an industry standard. (And to be fair, WW wasn’t always consistent in implementation either).

Finally, I mentioned to Eddy something last week, but feel it’s worth noting here: I’ve had a lot of trouble staying logged on to the WW Forums, so I’m not posting there as much as I’d like. This is no reflection on how great the Forumites there are, and I hope you all are getting enough info via this blog project updates, and our Onyx Path Facebook and web sites and following us on Twitter. I’m @rich_thomas_ww and @TheOnyxPath.

As if my magic, or summoned by the screaming of a cat, here are the project updates:

-  God Machine Chronicle (nWoD) is in Layout and most art has been CCP Approved, but a few redone art pieces are coming in. A 2nd proof is with Matt McFarland: still a gentleman developer.

-  Strix Chronicle Fiction Anthology (VtR) Strix is into Editing.

- Mummy the Curse - So I asked for changes to the cover file after looking at the physical PoD copy as the tones were just too washed out and it dulled down the cover, Mike Chaney is putting a new version up for printer approval and we’ll get a new physical copy and if it’s cool, we’ll go live on DTRPG. Expect this to be next week. Still waiting on a cover template from the printer now that the final page count has been settled; we’ll get those files out to start the creation of the traditionally printed KS version. Chaney is working to get the Character Sheet Pack rewards ready for Backers this week.

- Exalted 3rd Edition:  Looks like this Kickstarter is happening mid-March now as we had a couple of delivery hiccups from our art folks- nothing that could be helped unfortunately, but things are still rolling and the art is looking sweet. We’re working on a new logo- looking cool, I have a cartographer rendering the new map, and we’ve actually got a very cool soundtrack put together for the KS video. These things are just taking more time to pull together. The DEVs are currently head down and deep into the Charms section, getting together the text we’ll be teasing with Updates throughout the Kickstarter, and getting their vocal cords tuned for the KS video.

- V20 Hunters Hunted 2:  New sections are in layout and we’re getting art for them. Rather than tacking them on at the end, we’ll be adding a chapter before the Appendix as that just works better for the flow of the book.

- V20 Anarchs Unbound is almost done in post writing Development. Our editor is standing by for the files this week. You can check out the Storytelling chapter here:

- Deluxe Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition:  As I mentioned above, the W20 Backer PDF is out, and folks are loving it.  The feedback from Backers is being integrated and then we’ll arrange the PoD files, and then we’ll be prepping the Deluxe printer files. Mike Lee is three quarters-way through his novel.  The Storyteller Screen files will go off to press with W20 and I hope to get the Wallpaper out to Backers very soon. Bill is preparing the W20 Anthology outline and looking for prospective writers.  The Skinner is in Editing and Art Direction. The White Howlers Tribe Book is with a writer (if you want to know who, bug Stew Wilson).

-Deluxe Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition has been confirmed for September-ish 2013 and Phil Brucato has started assigning writers and has started writing his part. Art notes and contracts out to our full-page artist, once we have some feedback from him I’ll look a posting an art blog along with Phil’s developer notes.

- W20 Changing Breeds is in Editing.

- W20 Rage Across the World: Most of the art is in but a bit continues to trickle in.

- Guildhalls of the Deathless (MtC) is being written.

- Conventionbook: Progenitors (cMtA) putting the cover together, getting the interior laid out.

- Mage Translation Guide is being written, we have an Editor ready.

- W20 Book of the Wyrm is being written and red-lined. Check out the W20 blog notes:

- Trinity Continuum: we’re talking about the big, big picture stuff that will affect the entire Continuum as opposed to individual games/settings. That “bible” idea mentioned above.

- Scion: some very impassioned creators sharing their ideas at this very early stage. Joe looked through a secret project I threw at him out of the blue. He liked it.

Reason for Drinking: Uh, St. Paddy’s Day. I used to specifically not drink on this day, but Mike Tinney made me do it.

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2323 am: 17.03.2013 | 23:32 »
...Einige der Unterschiede werden z.B. hier aufgezeigt...
Der Letzte Punkt wegen Moralty ist Unsinn.
Forsaken Werwölfe können Menschen ohne Probleme töten.
Essen ist da was den Unterschied macht.
Zudem gibt es generelle Probleme mit dem Moralsystem.
Live and let rock!

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2324 am: 19.03.2013 | 08:41 »
– March 19, 2013Posted in: Monday Meeting

That’s really what this week feels like. So many things are so close to getting out to everybody.

But first, the Monday Lunch Meeting. We really hopped all over the place conversationally. First, Eddy and I talked a little game design. It’s no secret that some of the Onyx Path Dev teams are working on the re-imaginings of Scion and the Trinity Continuum, and one of the primary things they’ve been tasked with to start is how to create a dice-pool system that scales from man in the street to god-like. With that, we discussed the thrill of the dice- the visceral feeling of throwing a heaping handful of dice. Now, I get that. Seems like some folks really, really get that as the story has come back to us of a gaming group that regular rolls nigh unto a hundred dice for their upper level dice pools. A hundred! Any of you folks do that? It certainly begins to explain why I get ongoing requests for new dice sets.

I filled Eddy in on my dinner and drinks with CA Suleiman last week, as we ran through the Mummy: The Curse schedule and Reward fulfillment and what the future might bring. It was great to talk about old times, and how excited we are at Mummy‘s success. There are already several very positive reviews up on the interwebs, and according to CAS, he has some great surprises in store in the upcoming books. Because Onyx Path‘s whole structure is spread out around the world, it’s really a joy to get together and strategize or just hang out face to face. We talked briefly about the new single-volume editions of V20 available at DTRPG now that their PoD printer has both overcome the page count restriction and added a Standard and Premium options for their color printing. V20 is getting a whole new hierarchy of PoD options very soon- I have the sample one volume color hardcovers here and they look great!

Finally, we got some great news from CCP Marketing who are footing the bill to send Eddy to Gen-Con again this year. They don’t have to do this- Eddy’s not part of Onyx and is really busy with the WoDMMO, but they know that our fans have enjoyed the Rich and Eddy presentations so much for the past several years that we always have an avid audience that nobody wants to disappoint.

I know I’m going to hear that very emotion from folks as they read through our updates this week, but we really are crazy-close to getting a bunch of these out to you finally. You must hang on!:

-  God Machine Chronicle (nWoD) I’ve reviewed the second proof and now it goes into CCP for their review.

-  Strix Chronicle Fiction Anthology (VtR) Strix is into Editing.

- Mummy the Curse - Put in the order for the 2nd proof PoD copy- hope to see it late this week. Still waiting on a cover template from the printer now that the final page count has been settled; we’ll get those files out to start the creation of the traditionally printed KS version. Character Sheet Pack rewards went out to Backers last week, and we fixed the sheet replication issue this weekend- check your Library on DTRPG for an Updated version. CAS and I reviewed the Mummy schedule and should have harder dates for most of the Stretch Goal rewards soon.

- Exalted 3rd Edition:  Looks like this Kickstarter is happening end of March now as things come together slowly. The Devs are still in the Charms section, getting together the text we’ll be teasing with Updates throughout the Kickstarter, and getting their vocal cords tuned for the KS video which we got a script together for.

- V20 Hunters Hunted 2:  New sections are in layout and we’re getting art for them. Rather than tacking them on at the end, we’ll be adding a chapter before the Appendix as that just works better for the flow of the book.

- V20 Anarchs Unbound is in editing ad we are getting art for it. We’ll be contacting the Children of the Revolution backers who pledged to be models in AU this week.

- Deluxe Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition:  The backer feedback was integrated and we’re expecting to get the PoD files and maybe the Deluxe printing files out tomorrow! Mike Lee is three quarters-way through his novel.  The Storyteller Screen files will go off to press with W20 and the W20 Wallpaper went out to Backers. Bill is preparing the W20 Anthology outline and looking for prospective writers.  The Skinner is in Editing and Art Direction. The White Howlers Tribe Book is with a writer (the always delightful Jess Hartley) and the W20 Cookbook is being outlined. Check out some news here:

-Deluxe Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition has been confirmed for September-ish 2013 and Phil Brucato has started assigning writers and is churning through writing his part. Art notes and contracts out to our full-page artist, once we have some feedback from him I’ll look a posting an art blog along with Phil’s developer notes.

- W20 Changing Breeds is almost out of Editing.

- W20 Rage Across the World: Most of the art is in but a bit continues to trickle in.

- Guildhalls of the Deathless (MtC) is being written.

- Conventionbook: Progenitors (cMtA) first proof is to Ryan.

- Mage Translation Guide is in Editing.

- W20 Book of the Wyrm is being written and red-lined. Check out the W20 blog notes:

- Trinity Continuum: we’re talking about the big, big picture stuff that will affect the entire Continuum as opposed to individual games/settings.

- Scion: some very impassioned creators sharing their ideas at this very early stage. Joe looked through a secret project I threw at him out of the blue. He liked it. You might like it too, it might be out in a few weeks.

- Demon: The Frutang: some example of play commentary from Black Hat Matt McFarland’s play test will be going up on the new Demon blog.

Reason for Drinking: As soon as I get the EX3 Kickstarter submitted, or Mummy: The Curse on sale, or W20 to press, I’m taking a slug for sure .