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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2450 am: 30.04.2013 | 21:40 »
Adios April-
– April 29, 2013Posted in: Monday Meeting

This week, what I can relay about our Monday Lunch Meeting is pretty limited in that Eddy and I had quite a bit to cover, but most of it was behind the scenes or stuff that’ll be talked about soon. Nothing we can really blab about as yet. Which leaves the twenty minutes we talked about not letting the personal creative flame go out- buried beneath the weight of demanding job responsibilities, serial projects, and regular life. I’m struggling with wanting to do more Creative Director stuff- like finishing the “Making of the Art” PDFs for Children of the Revolution and W20- but needing to be The Publisher of Onyx Path, and Eddy is in a quandary as to how to balance his very exciting and demanding full time gig on the WoD MMO, with developing V20 projects, and doing personal work. In either of our cases, the need for focus and discipline, and to create to the order of external forces- no matter how cool our jobs are- has to be balanced with the fun and unordered exploration of creativity driven by forces from within us. After all, before we had our careers (and in my case that was around the time the dinosaurs (Jesus Horses?) ruled the earth) the creative impulse was what propelled us forward. It’s still there and access to it is what brings the fun and freshness to our creations- and the lack of it can burn us out. So it’s kind of an essential thing we were discussing, at least for us, but not something to belabor because YMMV.

So here are some very creative projects in progress:

-  God Machine Chronicle (nWoD) Reviewed one proof of two- will the second come Tuesday?… I’ll have some thoughts about GMC and Strix/Blood & Smoke Chronicles in a blog on the Onyx Path site (and probably linked elsewhere) that should be at least a little interesting. A teeny bit, maybe.

-  Strix Chronicle Fiction Anthology (VtR) Strix is in Editing.

- Blood and Smoke: The Strix Chronicle (VtR) Crisis handled, new authors working on the project, and we’ve pushed back our release estimate by a month to compensate.

- Mummy the Curse - The single volume PDF and standard color PoD, as well as the “virtual box set” PDFs are on sale and doing great. We’ve added separate product listings for the Player’s Book, the Screen PDF, and the SAS. Sent the KS edition files to the printer. We have gathered a double handful of online questions for CA Suleiman that he’ll be answering and we’ll post this week.

- Exalted 3rd Edition:  Ian is working on the KS video- we’re fine-tuning it now. We’ll drop that into the rest of the KS shell and get feedback from our Dev team. From there we’ll submit. The Map artist/cartographer is moving to finalize the painted map- have printer samples that might be really map-tastic.

- V20 Hunters Hunted 2:  Sending Chaney the HH2 backer names and we’ll make up the PDF. Justin’s writers have a deadline for their first drafts of the HH2 Anthology of 5/10.

- V20 Anarchs Unbound is in editing and we are getting art for it.

- Deluxe Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition:  Sent the Deluxe W20 files to the printer (both Standard Deluxe and the Heavy Metal Edition). Saw proofs and the few corrections are going back to the printer this week. The W20 PoD versions look good right now, but waiting on new proofs. Mike Lee is three quarters-way through the W20 “Houses of the Moon” novel.  The Storyteller Screen files are going to press with W20. Bill has prepared the W20 Anthology outline and contracting prospective writers.  The Skinner is in layout and almost all the art is in. Jess Hartley is writing the White Howlers Tribe Book  and the W20 Cookbook is being outlined. Check out some news here:

-Deluxe Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition has Phil Brucato writing like a maniac and developing his writers, also like a maniac. Art notes and contracts out to our full-page artist, once we have some feedback from him I’ll look a posting an art blog along with Phil’s developer notes. Very early sketches for the fulls look awesome. Talking to more artists this week.

- W20 Changing Breeds is in layout.

- W20 Rage Across the World: Most of the art is in but a bit continues to trickle in.

- Guildhalls of the Deathless (MtC) is being written.

- Conventionbook: Progenitors (cMtA) is onsale now at DTRPG:

- Conventionbook: Syndicate (cMtA) is in editing and art direction.

- Mage Translation Guide is in Layout.

- W20 Book of the Wyrm is being written and red-lined. Check out the W20 blog notes:

- Trinity Continuum: Looking at the schedule to start setting up writing. John Snead is chasing me through the internet.

- Scion:  Scion: Extras PoD is about ready to go live, and we’ll drop a small price tag on the PDF as well. Monica has some designer notes and extras we’ll be posting on the OP site.

- Demon: The Frutang: lots of example of play commentary including from Black Hat Matt McFarland’s play test are up on the new Demon blog: Check it out, there are quite a few playtests posted now and they give a very interesting (if early) look at the game. Text is being redlined and Rose is trying to get early art notes together.

- Free RPG Day Project: Reap the Whirlwind, for VtR, is a combined 64 page booklet that combines a revised version of “Into the Void” and additional rules files from the Strix and God Machine Chronicles. This will be available at participating friendly local game stores June 15, and is on its way to the FRPGD warehouse.

Reason for Drinking: We’re up to a quintuple shot, but very close now to when the EX3 KS is ready!

Eher langweilig ... dafür gibt es aber auch noch eine eventuell spannendere Info:,78554.0.html
« Letzte Änderung: 30.04.2013 | 23:59 von Nin »


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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2451 am: 5.05.2013 | 23:52 »


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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2453 am: 7.05.2013 | 00:37 »
Einmal komplett angehört, deswegen den vorherigen Kommentar gemacht, und irgendwie macht mich das Ausmaß an demonstrierter Ignoranz doch irgendwo relativ wütend.

Ich mein es wirkt auf mich schon irgendwie wie ein Kunststück jegliche Chat Gruppierungen zu ignorieren. Ob moderated oder unmoderated.
Aber klar, da kann man sich dann nicht hinstellen und so tun als hätte man gerade das Rad erfunden.
Natürlich werden Foren RPGs erwähnt, just um sie hinsichtlich der offensichtlich schlechten Posting-Frequenz zu schimpfen.

Genau kann man so viel einfacher jegliche Entwicklung in dem Bereich Chats ignorieren.
Der Spielleiter gleich mit Prinzen.
Ämter werden nach Nasenfaktor vergeben.
Spielerentscheidungen sind nur in einem imho ziemlich engen Rahmen relevant.
Nun und gerade bei Ämtern eher zweifelhaft ob da der Nasenfaktor nicht queer schießt.
Regeln oder physische Konflikte gibt es erstmal keine, erstmal darf man sich am Taver..Elysiums Souel versuchen.
Politisches Spiel Richtung Unabhängige mal komplett abgeschnitten, könnte ja interessant werden.


Wirkt aus meiner Perspektive, sowohl von den Foren als auch von den Chat her in dem ich spiele, wie zurück in die Steinzeit (90er, Anfang 00er) gebombt. Mit Meister anstelle von Spielleitern, Railroading, klein halten und Vetternwirtschaft. Auch nahm ich an das das LARP ähnliche Forschritte wie die Chats gemacht hat.

Dennoch aus Neugier mal bei der fB Gruppe angemeldet.
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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2454 am: 7.05.2013 | 01:28 »
Teylen, magst Du das näher erklären? Der Sinn Deines Posts entzieht sich mir gerade.
Das einzige, was ich kritisch finde ist Spielleiter = Prinz. Damit stirbt das Experiment während der Geburt.
Und so wie das läuft, empfehle ich als LARP-geschädigter Spieler Protean 2 und Fortitude 5.  ;)
« Letzte Änderung: 7.05.2013 | 01:29 von Murder-of-Crows »
Spiele regelmäßig: Dungeons & Dragons 5e (Call of the Netherdeep und eine Homebrew-Kampagne)
Leite regelmäßig: Dungeons & Dragons 5e, Liminal
Leite manchmal: Cypher System, Dragonbane, Old Gods of Appalachia, Star Trek Adventures 2e
Bereite vor: Shadowdark Open Table. Ich warte Daggerheart und Legend in the Mist.

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2455 am: 7.05.2013 | 08:29 »
Ah sorry war gestern etwas grantig. ^^;

Kurz gesagt was ich nicht mag:

  • Spielleiter stellt Prinz
    Meines Erachtens muss man kein Prinz sein um die Organisation zu machen.
    Zumal es im Kontext eines "LARP" dazu führt das die Spieler sehr in den Möglichkeiten beschnitten sind.

  • Spielleiter bestimmt Ämter
    Vielleicht habe ich das falsch verstanden aber es ist wohl geplant das er die Ämter vergibt.
    Wobei wohl deutlich der Punkt Vitamin-B eine Rolle spielen wird.

  • Eingeschränktes Spiel um die Ämter
    Es kann sein das ich es falsch verstanden bzw. in Erinnerung habe.
    Allerdings wird es zunächst keine körperlichen Konflikte geben und wenn ich es richtig verstehe auch keine richtigen politischen.
    Das heißt man kann sich nicht einfach so dran machen und einmal versuchen Primoge des eigenen Clan zu machen.
    Respektive wenn spielt der Vit-B Faktor mit rein.

  • Rigide Umsetzung der eigenen Vorstellung
    Character must fit in with basic Camarilla norms, therefore no Tzimisce, no Kiasyd, a limit of one Samedi to the city (if there even has to be one), and the same for Lasombra antitribu etc. There cannot be more Giovanni in a Camarilla city than Camarilla vampires, so please don't try. More rewards for more Camarilla vampires. And Anarchs.
    Ich persönlich mag einerseits nicht das er dort seine Sicht durch drückt und ich mag Aussagen wie die hinsichtlich der Rewards nicht.
    Es ist nicht unbedingt überraschend bedenkt man den SL = Prinz Ansatz, aber ich finde es schränkt das Spiel unnötig ein.

  • Die Regeln werden ... wie nennt man das?
    Abgesehen von einigen allgemeinen Grundregeln, die weniger V:tM bezogen sind, gibt es keine festen Regeln und damit Sicherheiten.
    Zumindest so wie ich das verstanden habe.
    Das heißt im Grunde kann man sein Regelwerk vergessen.
    Im Grunde wirkt es als würde, wenn es zum Konflikt kommt, der Faktor Vitamin B gepaart mit der Vorstellung des Spielleiters bezüglich des Settings entscheiden was geht und was wie ausgeht.

  • Ignoranz gegenüber Chats
    Es gibt abgesehen von Foren-Rollenspiele moderierte (mit STs) und umoderierte (ohne STs) Chat-Gruppen.
    Diese spielen ähnlich wie er das Spiel beschreibt, nur halt mit einem Text-Chat anstelle eines Hangout.
    Teilweise hinsichtlich der Regeln relativ nahe am LARP.
    Teilweise mit großen, LARP-ähnlichen Spieler und Charakter Pools.

    Anstelle sie zur Kenntnis zu nehmen ignoriert er sie vollständig und tut so als wäre vor ihm keiner auf die Idee einer Chat-basierten Chronik gekommen. Er erwähnt zwar Foren-Chroniken, die Chats jedoch nicht. Nun und er tut gerade so, zumindest wirkt es so auf mich, als hätte er als erster die Idee gehabt es mit Hangout quasi Chat-basiert zu machen.

    Ich spiele in einem amerikanischen Chat und kenne weitere englischsprachige sowie deutsche.
    Da finde ich es einfach unhöflich derart ignoriert zu werden.
    Nun und der amerikanische Chat in dem ich Spiele hat keins der Probleme.
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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2456 am: 7.05.2013 | 08:49 »
Da Matt ja nur die Koordinierungsaufgaben und die Eminenz im Hintergrund sein will, finde ich die Rolle des Prinzen durchaus passend.
SL zentriert spielt er ja eh nie, von daher sehe ich an dieser Stelle eigentlich kein Problem.

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2457 am: 7.05.2013 | 08:54 »
Gerade wenn er nur koordinieren mag sollte er nicht die Rolle des Prinzen besetzen und das Spiel derart dominieren.
Nun und für die LARP bzw. Chat Chronik Verhältnisse die ich kenne ist das sehr stark ST zentriert.
Mir fällt spontan keine Möglichkeit ein es noch viel ST zentrierter zu gestalten.
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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2458 am: 7.05.2013 | 22:34 »
EVE Was 10 Years Old Yesterday, Eddy Was Off
– May 7, 2013Posted in: Monday Meeting

By way of an explanation why our Monday Meeting was today, and so the Notes are today too. Although I had half a mind to do them yesterday and just pretend that I’d talked with him because I did have a couple of notes to share independent of the usual topics drawn from the Monday Meeting.

First, we released the God-Machine Chronicle last week and the response has been phenomenal! We’re all really glad that the book has struck such a strong note with not just our nWoD fans, but I’ve heard a lot of comments from other folks that they’re looking into it, too. Certainly, being able to read the free GMC Rules PDF has provided a painless way to check out the systems tweaks and let folks decide for themselves if they want to get the complete God-Machine Chronicle book itself. I wrote a little blog post on the Onyx Path website about the rationale for creating the Chronicles, what we hope to accomplish, and how awesome our amazing creators are:

Next, I submitted the Exalted 3rd Edition Kickstarter to KS on Sunday, so now we’re waiting to hear back from them on when we can go live. As we have with the last KSs we’ve done, we’ll give 24 hours notice to let everyone get ready to check out the fun limited number of backers Reward Tiers. This is liable to be a really wild ride of a KS, so keep your eyes open for added Stretch Goals and Rewards- I’m both already excited and exhausted just thinking about the next month.

Finally, while this info will only interest those of you going to Gen Con in August, I want to confirm that not only will Onyx Path be there, but that I’m going as an Industry Guest of Honor again this year. Which is pretty darn cool. So not only will we have panels just for Onyx Path (“What’s Up With WW/OP?”, “Onyx Path Q&A”, “New World of Darkness”, and “Classic World of Darkness”), but I’ll be sitting in on GoH panels as well. Anybody who was there last year knows that that means, scheduling being what it is, that I’ll probably be running willy-nilly from panel to panel. But all for a good cause of meeting attendees. Fortunately, we’ll have Onyx Path reps at the DriveThruRPG booth even when the panels are going on, so you should always have an Onyx person to talk to. (Although, why aren’t you at my panel?) Closer to Gen Con, we’ll have actual times and locations.

On to the Meeting: a chance reference to how my youngest son is playing his Goblin Prince (hint: peeing is funny) in our family D&D game led to a discussion on “disruptive characters” and whether there is a social contract when playing with a group, or even a huge group like at a LARP event, to not play the character in a way that wrecks the fun of the others playing. In other words: yes, your character could do that as they’re written, but please don’t. The fact is, like so many group activities, there’s a fine line between amazing role-playing and ass-hattery, and the players who can pull off a disruptive character and make it work have to be really inspired. Just pointing to your sheet and saying “Sez here” isn’t likely to make it happen. And there’s also the context of the group. We’ve probably all sat down with our regular gaming crew and had the “new guy/gal” completely miss the tone of how the group has been playing.

This led to talking about how game industry creators pretty much all start as gaming fans and then follow a kind of natural path from “Our group likes this”, to “Who am I making this game for?” in their thinking. Note how the first is a statement that leaves no room for dialogue, while the other is a question that invites attempts to answer it. Some creators make the journey pretty fast- whether from natural inclination, or being forced into a working process, or because their personal designs actually do strike a chord with a wider audience- and others continue to create based on their own groups’ enjoyment. Interestingly, at different times in a game creator’s career, they can be at different points on that spectrum. And there isn’t a right way to make cool games: for every beautifully focused, thematically connected gem of a game, there’s another fantasy heartbreaker. Then, to balance out popular games that allow a lot of play experiences and players to approach from a lot of angles, you also have games that were clearly “designed by committee”. So this whole discussion we had served to remind me of one of the things I’m trying to do with Onyx Path: find a place on our release schedule for the smaller focused projects, often with a single creator, and the bigger ones like folks are used to from White Wolf. (Right now, we’re mostly compelled to push for the WW projects until they gather their own momentum).

And speak of them and here they are:

-  God-Machine Chronicle (nWoD) As noted above, the God-Machine Chronicle and the free GMC Rules Update are live on DTRPG and doing really well. Check them out if you’ve missed them so far, by clicking on the links.

-  Strix Chronicle Fiction Anthology (VtR) Strix is in Editing.

- Blood and Smoke: The Strix Chronicle (VtR) Crisis handled, new authors working on the project, and we’ve pushed back our release estimate by a month to compensate.

- Mummy the Curse - The single volume PDF and color PoD versions, as well as the “virtual box set” PDFs are on sale and doing great. We’ve added separate product listings for the Player’s Book, the Screen PDF, and the SAS. Sent the KS edition files to the printer. We have gathered a double handful of online questions for CA Suleiman that he’ll be answering and we’ll post this week.

- Exalted 3rd Edition:  KS submitted for approval to Kickstarter. Keep an eye out for us announcing when it goes live- we’ll give 24hrs notice. There will be lots of Updates via the KS that reveal pieces of what will  be in EX3, so keep an eye out for those too. The Map artist/cartographer is moving to finalize the painted map- have printer samples that might be really map-tastic.

- V20 Hunters Hunted 2:  PDF will be going out to KS backers this week. Justin’s writers have a deadline for their first drafts of the HH2 Anthology of 5/10.

- V20 Anarchs Unbound is in editing and we are getting art for it.

- Deluxe Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition: Corrections are with the printer. The W20 PoD versions look good right now, but waiting on new proofs. Mike Lee is almost done the W20 “Houses of the Moon” novel.  The Storyteller Screen files are going to press with W20. Bill has prepared the W20 Anthology outline and contracting prospective writers.  The Skinner just needs the Skindancer glyph and its ready for Dev proofing of the layout. Jess Hartley is writing the White Howlers Tribe Book  and the W20 Cookbook is being outlined. Check out some news here:

-Deluxe Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition has Phil Brucato writing like a maniac and developing his writers, also like a maniac. Art notes and contracts out to our full-page artist, once we have some feedback from him I’ll look a posting an art blog along with Phil’s developer notes. Very early sketches for the fulls look awesome. Talking to more artists this week.

- W20 Changing Breeds is in layout.

- W20 Rage Across the World: Most of the art is in but a bit continues to trickle in.

- Guildhalls of the Deathless (MtC) is being written.

- Conventionbook: Syndicate (cMtA) is in editing and art direction.

- Mage Translation Guide is in Approvals with CCP.

- W20 Book of the Wyrm is being written and red-lined. Check out the W20 blog notes:

- Trinity Continuum: Looking at the schedule to start setting up writing. John Snead is chasing me through the internet.

- Scion: Looking forward to talking to Joe Carriker about the project this week.

- Demon: The Frutang: lots of example of play commentary including from Black Hat Matt McFarland’s play test are up on the new Demon blog: Check it out, there are quite a few playtests posted now and they give a very interesting (if early) look at the game. Text is being redlined and Rose is trying to get early art notes together.

- Free RPG Day Project: Reap the Whirlwind, for VtR, is a combined 64 page booklet that combines a revised version of “Into the Void” and additional rules files from the Strix and God Machine Chronicles. This will be available at participating friendly local game stores June 15.

Reason for Drinking: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That hit the spot.

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2459 am: 7.05.2013 | 23:56 »

  • Ignoranz gegenüber Chats
    Es gibt abgesehen von Foren-Rollenspiele moderierte (mit STs) und umoderierte (ohne STs) Chat-Gruppen.
    Diese spielen ähnlich wie er das Spiel beschreibt, nur halt mit einem Text-Chat anstelle eines Hangout.
    Teilweise hinsichtlich der Regeln relativ nahe am LARP.
    Teilweise mit großen, LARP-ähnlichen Spieler und Charakter Pools.

    Anstelle sie zur Kenntnis zu nehmen ignoriert er sie vollständig und tut so als wäre vor ihm keiner auf die Idee einer Chat-basierten Chronik gekommen. Er erwähnt zwar Foren-Chroniken, die Chats jedoch nicht. Nun und er tut gerade so, zumindest wirkt es so auf mich, als hätte er als erster die Idee gehabt es mit Hangout quasi Chat-basiert zu machen.

    Ich spiele in einem amerikanischen Chat und kenne weitere englischsprachige sowie deutsche.
    Da finde ich es einfach unhöflich derart ignoriert zu werden.
    Nun und der amerikanische Chat in dem ich Spiele hat keins der Probleme.

Ich persönlich glaube das du dich eher zu sehr aus den Schlips getreten fühlst, aber ich sehe keine Attacke seinerseits in diese Richtung. Ohne dein "wettern" wäre mir jedenfalls dieser Umstand nicht aufgefallen und auch jetzt finde ich diesen Punkt auch nicht so störend.
Das mag aber für dich selbstverständlich völligst anders sein, oder ich schwimme gerade gegen den Strom *g*
>Werbefläche zu vermieten<

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2460 am: 8.05.2013 | 00:01 »
Ich persönlich glaube das du dich eher zu sehr aus den Schlips getreten fühlst, aber ich sehe keine Attacke seinerseits in diese Richtung. Ohne dein "wettern" wäre mir jedenfalls dieser Umstand nicht aufgefallen und auch jetzt finde ich diesen Punkt auch nicht so störend.
Ehm, ja das ist ja mein Problem. ^^;
Das er die Existenz von ähnlichen Chat-Gruppen komplett außen vor lässt.
Das heißt es gibt keine direkte Attacke, es wird einfach totgeschwiegen.
Er tut so als wäre vor ihm noch keiner abseits von Foren auf die Idee gekommen es Online LARP artig zu spielen.
Ich finde das unsauber. [Das ihm die Chat-Gruppen entgangen sind erscheint mir sehr zweifelhaft]
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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2461 am: 8.05.2013 | 00:19 »
Ich glaube er sieht das ganze halt weniger als Textlastig an, sondern rein auf Hangoutbasis, wie bei einem Ambientespiel. Nur das statt alle in der gleichen rauchigen Kneipe, alle Zuhause vorm Rechner hocken und ihren eigenen Rotwein schlürfen.

Ich komme aus der VampireLive Ecke und wenn ich sowas aufziehen würde, hätte ich auch keinen Augenblick an die Chatchroniken gedacht.
>Werbefläche zu vermieten<


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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2462 am: 8.05.2013 | 00:21 »
Google+ Runden mit Dokumentation sind doch was anderes als Chats oder LARPs oder P&P oder ...  wtf?

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2463 am: 8.05.2013 | 07:59 »
@Nin: Also mit LARPs/Live und P&Ps vergleicht er es ja doch sogar explizit. ^^

@Althena: Nun und imho haben zumindest einige der Chatchroniken durchaus starke Ähnlichkeiten zu dem wie Live gespielt wird.
Zumindest behaupten das mitunter einige der Spieler und mitunter werden Regeln aus dem Live benutzt.
Auch ist, abhängig von der Chatchronik durchaus eine Dokumentation gegeben (zumindest für die STs).

Das heißt der einzige technische Unterschied zudem was er plant ist das man Videochat anstelle von Textchat benutzt.
Wobei die Überlegung die ich innerhalb solcher mit bekam [damals bezogen auf VoIP Dienste] daran scheiterten das die Dokumentation eher für unzureichend befunden wurde.
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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2464 am: 14.05.2013 | 11:05 »
Short, Sweet, and Upbeat
– May 13, 2013Posted in: Monday Meeting

Sorry this goes out later Monday/early Tuesday, but while we had our Monday Meeting, I couldn’t get to the notes because of the follow-up meetings and phone calls. They all got pushed to Monday after the massive madness of the launch of our Deluxe Exalted 3rd Edition Kickstarter. If you haven’t heard, that went OK.

It was 4 days ago and I swear it’s been so intense that I honestly thought it was two weeks ago.

So, then, the Monday Meeting Notes will be short, although check out the Updates below as we have some good stuff in there. Eddy and I talked about the, wait for it….Exalted KS. Also, the changing gaming/gamers view of (the) transgendered folks. (I put in the “the” because I kind of recall that there is some sort of issue with not doing so. But my memory is faulty right now and since I don’t wish to offend, I included it.) Which spread to a whole look at how society is rapidly changing, particularly at the age range that folks first get into tabletop gaming, and inevitably we talked about the Holmesian convention Eddy went to a couple of weeks ago. Also we spent a couple of nano-seconds talking about approvals. Boom! On to the Updates.

These here Updates:

-  God-Machine Chronicle (nWoD) the God-Machine Chronicle and the free GMC Rules Update are live on DTRPG and doing really well. Check them out if you’ve missed them so far, by clicking on the links.

-  Strix Chronicle Fiction Anthology (VtR) Strix is GOING INTO LAYOUT. Woot!

- Blood and Smoke: The Strix Chronicle (VtR) Crisis handled, new authors working on the project, and we’ve pushed back our release estimate by a month to compensate.

- Mummy the Curse - Sent the KS edition files to the printer with cover corrections. The Screen is at press as well. We have gathered a double handful of online questions for CA Suleiman that he’ll be answering and we’ll post more this week on the Onyx Path site.

- Exalted 3rd Edition:  KS – see above.  There will be lots of Updates via the KS that reveal pieces of what will  be in EX3, so keep an eye out for those too. There’s also the map and new art there.

- V20 Hunters Hunted 2:  PDF went out to KS backers and comments and a small number of missed backer names and correx came in. Justin’s working on redlines for the Anthology writers.

- V20 Anarchs Unbound is in editing and we are getting art for it.

- Deluxe Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition: Corrections are with the printer. The W20 PoD proofs are great- we’re going to go live with this on DTRPG this week maybe even tomorrow. Mike Lee is almost done the W20 “Houses of the Moon” novel.  The Storyteller Screen files are at press with W20. Bill has prepared the W20 Anthology outline and contracting prospective writers.  The Skinner is ready for CCP approval. Jess Hartley is writing the White Howlers Tribe Book  and the W20 Cookbook is being outlined. Check out some news here:

-Deluxe Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition has Phil Brucato writing like a maniac and developing his writers, also like a maniac. Art notes and contracts out to our full-page artist, once we have some feedback from him I’ll look a posting an art blog along with Phil’s developer notes. Very early sketches for the fulls look awesome. Talking to more, more artists this week.

- W20 Changing Breeds is in layout.

- W20 Rage Across the World: Most of the art is in but a bit continues to trickle in.

- Guildhalls of the Deathless (MtC) is going into editing.

- Conventionbook: Syndicate (cMtA) has about half the art in.

- Mage Translation Guide is OK’d by CCP and we’re looking to get a PoD proof ASAP.

- W20 Book of the Wyrm is being written and red-lined. Check out the W20 blog notes:

- Trinity Continuum: Looking at the schedule to start setting up writing. John Snead is chasing me through the internet. He almost caught me but I started talking about genre emulation and got away.

- Scion: Gotta talk to Joe Carriker about the project this week as I missed him last week.

- Demon: The Frutang: lots of example of play commentary including from Black Hat Matt McFarland’s play test are up on the new Demon blog: Check it out, there are quite a few playtests posted now and they give a very interesting (if early) look at the game. Text is being redlined and Rose is trying to get early art notes together.

- Free RPG Day Project: Reap the Whirlwind, for VtR, is a combined 64 page booklet that combines a revised version of “Into the Void” and additional rules files from the Strix and God Machine Chronicles. This will be available at participating friendly local game stores June 15.

Reason for Drinking: 18 minutes.


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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2465 am: 15.05.2013 | 00:33 »

W20 ... ist raus.
Hier geht's weiter.

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2466 am: 18.05.2013 | 09:10 »
Also OPP beckleckert sich mit Werewolf nicht grad mit Kompetenz.
Das heißt während ich noch auf der KS Premium Preview Version sitze hauen sie einfach die richtige Version schonmal an den Rest der Welt raus :(

Dem hingegen verwöhnen einen By Night Studios derart mit Professionalität das ich geneigt bin mich total auf das neue MET zu freuen.
(Obwohl ich eigentlich weder LIVE noch LARP unbedingt mag ^^; )
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WoD News & Artikel

Auch im RL gebe ich mich nicht mit Axxxxxxxxxx ab #RealLifeFilterBlase


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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2467 am: 18.05.2013 | 09:40 »
Also OPP beckleckert sich mit Werewolf nicht grad mit Kompetenz.
Das heißt während ich noch auf der KS Premium Preview Version sitze hauen sie einfach die richtige Version schonmal an den Rest der Welt raus :(

Bekommst du als Backer (je nach Pledge natürlich) nicht sowieso einen gratis Download (und damit die aktuellste Version)?

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2468 am: 18.05.2013 | 09:48 »
Bekommst du als Backer (je nach Pledge natürlich) nicht sowieso einen gratis Download (und damit die aktuellste Version)?
Als Backer habe ich einen Link zu einer Version bekommen die "Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition Kickstarter Preview" heißt. Danach kam in Sachen W20, neben den Wallpapers nichts mehr.

Jetzt heißt es zwar die Premium Kickstarter Preview würde zusammen mit dem normalen PDF geupdated, aber das ist eine Aussage die auf mich einfach nur fischig-stinkig ist. Wo ich ehrlich gesagt auch nicht die Sicherheit hab das es tatsächlich zusammen mit den normalen PDF geupdated wird.
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Teylen's RPG Corner
WoD News & Artikel

Auch im RL gebe ich mich nicht mit Axxxxxxxxxx ab #RealLifeFilterBlase


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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2469 am: 18.05.2013 | 10:25 »
Da würd ich gerne noch mal nachfragen ... kommste mit rüber?


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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2470 am: 21.05.2013 | 12:15 »
A PDF and a PoD Walk Into a Bar…
– May 21, 2013Posted in: Monday Meeting

Today’s Monday Meeting Notes are going to go in reverse order of how Eddy and I talked today. No reason except I want the meaty bit to be all together near the Updates, but we actually talked about it first.

Eddy convinces me to give Elementary another chance, based solely on his enthusiasm.

We confer on Gen-Con. He has his badge confirmed and looks we’ll be rooming together again, as we’ve done it before and we like our “special times” together.

I complain a fair bit about why every mcdamn thing in my life has to tilt sideways while I’m having a major Kickstarter (The Deluxe Exalted 3rd Edition Kickstarter, breaking KS records near you!). Nothing that is going bad, just everything needs me to set it back on its course with phone calls and paperwork.

This leads us to what I really wanted from Eddy today: a gut-check on a direction I want to take Onyx Path in concerning how we release our PDFs and PoDs. As Eddy and I talked all the time while we were transitioning WW out of the traditional RPG three tier distribution system and into the new PDF/PoD model WW evolved into, and Onyx Path is using, I wanted his input (and memory) on how I think we should be doing things. That is, we once released our PDFs when they were ready and then followed up with a PoD version as it got done. We had a fair bit of feedback that folks wanted the two release types to be put on sale together, and so we adopted the simultaneous release policy that we’ve had for a while.

But since then and now, we had a bunch of these little things I like to call Kickstarters, and one of our tenets going in has been to be as transparent as possible, from my messages, to the Open Dev Process which our developers use to some extent or another. We want to hear from the community, in fact we count on it with the Kickstarters, and one of the things we did in that regard was to get the backer PDFs out and let the backers know that if they found errors in their names that we had time to change those credits. Really, all I wanted were happy backers who got a little bit of a kick out of seeing their names the way they wanted to in the finished books. But instead we started to get notes and comments on things the backers found in the text itself: typos, confusing syntax, sections from one chapter not agreeing with others. Of course, we hate to see those sorts of things slip through, but they do, they always do, and so we were grateful to use that opportunity to make the changes and create a tighter book. And then it happened again on the next one. So on the one after that, I left time specifically to gather and correct anything the backers found. This was good, this put thousands of eyes on a project as opposed to a dozen. A small company like ours can really use that kind of crowdsourcing. And we all got better books out of it and a lot of fans really seemed to dig helping make that so. It was the logical progression of the Open Dev Process.

That still left us with our non-Kickstarted releases (yes we still have them), as they still were locked into the PDF/PoD simultaneous release strategy. No biggee, I thought, we just have two different ways we release our projects. But a funny thing happened. The folks who bought Progenitors and God-Machine Chronicle sent us the errata they found anyway. And we fumbled our way through how to update the PDF and then…not update the PoD? That didn’t seem right. Ignore the fixes? But that both flew in the face of our desire to work with the community and one of the key selling points of PDFs in that we can make changes that tighten up our PDF books and the purchaser gets free updated files forever. Make the changes to both PDF and PoD at the same ? That would take the PoD off the market until the new version was approved and have different PoD versions out there as well.

So maybe, it seems to me, that the real solution, the one that is in line with Onyx‘s philosophy of working with the community and not releasing until we’re satisfied with the quality of our projects, is to do just what we’re doing with the Kickstarters for our non-Kickstarter releases as well, and release the PDF before the PoD and let folks get back to us on whatever slipped past our regular crew. An Advance Screening, if you will, that gives us that last bit of Quality Control before we start making physical books with the PoDs. Something like this would mean that a PDF/PoD combo purchase would be about a month later than the initial PDF release, but then those two versions would be totally synched up, and as error free as we can make them. Fans who want the PDF as soon as we can get it out would get a version that they can either comb through for slips to send us, or not; either way those PDFs get updated with tighter and more perfected versions automatically as we make the changes. We won’t be trying this on the Mage Translation Guide as those PoD proofs are already coming to me, although any feedback will be reviewed of course, but soon after that.

And… Updates:

-  Strix Chronicle Fiction Anthology (VtR) Strix is in layout.

- Blood and Smoke: The Strix Chronicle (VtR) Crisis handled, new authors working on the project, and we’ve pushed back our release estimate by a month to compensate.

- Mummy the Curse - Book and  Screen are at press. The final Q&A with CA Suleiman is going up on the Onyx Path site at 13:34 EDT on Weds (the 22nd).

- Exalted 3rd Edition:  Kickstarting like crazy: We funded in 18 minutes, we have 700% funding and are the #3 funded tabletop RPG KS. Headed towards 3,000 backers and those backers have blown through 13 Stretch Goals.  There will be lots of Updates via the KS that reveal pieces of what will  be in EX3, so keep an eye out for those too. There’s also the map and new art there.

- V20 Hunters Hunted 2:  PDF went out to KS backers and comments and a small number of missed backer names and correx came in. Justin’s working on redlines for the Anthology writers.

- V20 Anarchs Unbound is in editing and we are getting art for it.

- Deluxe Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition: At press. The W20 PoD is live. Mike Lee is almost done the W20 “Houses of the Moon” novel.  The Storyteller Screen files are at press with W20. Bill has prepared the W20 Anthology outline and contracting prospective writers.  The Skinner is ready for CCP approval. Jess Hartley is writing the White Howlers Tribe Book  and the W20 Cookbook is being outlined. Check out some news here:

-Deluxe Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition has Phil Brucato writing like a maniac and developing his writers, also like a maniac. Art notes and contracts out to our full-page artist, once we have some feedback from him I’ll look a posting an art blog along with Phil’s developer notes. Very early sketches for the fulls look awesome. Talking to more, more artists this week.

- W20 Changing Breeds is in layout. Talking to Stew about Strey-tch Goals.

- W20 Rage Across the World: Most of the art is in but a bit continues to trickle in.

- Guildhalls of the Deathless (MtC) is into editing.

- Conventionbook: Syndicate (cMtA) has about half the art in.

- Mage Translation Guide PoD proofs ordered.

- W20 Book of the Wyrm is being written and red-lined. Check out the W20 blog notes:

- Trinity Continuum: Looking at the schedule to start setting up writing. John Snead is chasing me through the internet. He almost caught me but I started talking about genre emulation and got away. I might read his outline this week.

- Scion: Gotta talk to Joe Carriker about the project this week as I missed him last week. Ditto.

- Demon: The Frutang: lots of example of play commentary including from Black Hat Matt McFarland’s play test are up on the new Demon blog: Check it out, there are quite a few playtests posted now and they give a very interesting (if early) look at the game. Text is being redlined and Rose is trying to get early art notes together.

- Free RPG Day Project: Reap the Whirlwind, for VtR, is a combined 64 page booklet that combines a revised version of “Into the Void” and additional rules files from the Strix and God Machine Chronicles. This will be available at participating friendly local game stores June 15.

Reason for Drinking: Have you paid your dues? Yessir, the check is in the mail.

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Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2471 am: 23.05.2013 | 23:38 »
Und mal wieder ne Blöde Frage von mir: gibt es in irgend einem VTM Buch Infos über Detroit, die darüber hinaus gehen das es zum Sabbat gehört?
Merke: Neue Regeln zu erfinden ist nicht schwer, unnötige Regeln zu erkennen und über Bord zu werfen erfordert bedeutend mehr Mut und Sachverstand.

Butt-Kicker 100%, Tactician 83%, Power Gamer 75%, Storyteller 75%, Specialist 58%, Casual Gamer 42%, Method Actor 17%


  • Gast
Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2472 am: 28.05.2013 | 00:58 »


  • Gast
Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2473 am: 31.05.2013 | 14:29 »
Thanks for Waiting
– May 30, 2013Posted in: Monday Meeting

Seriously, thanks for waiting until I had both time and head-space to get the notes together. Eddy and I talked on Memorial Day, so I was treated to seeing him in his study as he had the day off from CCP. We talked a lot about the Open Dev Process, which he was diving back into with V20′s Rites of the Blood. He had some concerns for how far he’d be able to push the process, because his style isn’t quite the same as Justin’s when it comes to using Open Dev. And this is really the truth about Onyx‘s use of Open Dev: how Open we go is up to the Developer. I’m not going to force folks to adopt this terrifying new way of having a dialogue with the fans if it screws up their ability to deliver beautiful work. But I will suggest that they try to be as open to it as they can be, because it is incredibly awesome to be able to avail oneself of so many extra eyes and brains. Okay, that maybe didn’t come out all that nicely, but there you go. Sometimes I feel like I’m repeating this a lot, but folks get some expectations because they enjoyed a particular way one developer did things and expect the same from the next. In WW‘s day, we tried to create set systems and expected the staff to conform to them. I don’t think that’s something that I can expect or even want with how I’ve set up Onyx Path, though. I want the best work from our talented and wonderful Dev teams around the world, not the most standardized. And the thing is, maybe I’m wrong and this artsy-fartsy nonsense will doom Onyx Path as much as doomed can be, don’t cha know? But I’d rather try and reach for a better method and fail.

Which kind of relates to something I touched on with Eddy this week: I’m not graceful. I’m not elegant and smooth and able to side-step around problems. The Open Dev Process fascinates me because its like my worst nightmare- all of my mistakes out in the open for folks to criticize. Kickstarter is very much the same torture. What I do is careen wildly forward, bouncing off walls, knocking over vases, stepping on the cat. But forward. For years I did this for WW, and now I’m doing it at the front of Onyx Path; and for Onyx and the creative teams that are putting out some amazing projects. I don’t say this to grandstand in any way, but rather to be sure that you folks out there grasp that there while there are master plans and strategy meetings and such, I’m usually going to implement them in what appears to be the worse way at first. I’m not graceful. If we have a new PDF program, I’m going to send out the wrong links. We’ll get the rights ones out- and the next time the process will be much better, but I’m gonna ham-fist the hell out of things at first. And somehow, we will move forward. And our products will keep getting better and more beautiful. But there’s going to be some broken vases to trip over on the way.

Finally, in regards to last week’s ideas about the Pre-Release PDF program I was thinking about. I think Onyx and DTRPG may have found a solution. The current idea is that we put the PDF up, folks can buy it and comment, we’ll make changes based on your feedback, then put up the PoD and PDF/PoD combos a month later. The PDF purchasers who bought a PDF up to that time will be sent a coupon to upgrade to the combos minus the difference between the cost of the PDF vs the PDF in the combo. The point being that we don’t want this to be financially punishing to any fan: PDF only fans, PoD only fans, or Combo fans. What do you think, sirs?

Look! Updates:

-  Strix Chronicle Fiction Anthology (VtR) is in layout.

- Blood and Smoke: The Strix Chronicle (VtR) Crisis handled, new authors working on the project, and we’ve pushed back our release estimate by a month to compensate.

- Mummy the Curse - Book and  Screen are at press.

- Exalted 3rd Edition:  Kickstarting like crazy: We funded in 18 minutes, we have 800% funding and are the #2 funded tabletop RPG KS. Headed towards 3,300 backers and those backers have blown through 18 Stretch Goals.  There will be lots of Updates via the KS that reveal pieces of what will  be in EX3, so keep an eye out for those too. There’s also the map and new art there.

- V20 Hunters Hunted 2:  Preparing files for press. Justin’s working on redlines for the Anthology writers.

- V20 Anarchs Unbound is in editing and we are getting art for it.

- Deluxe Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition: At press. Mike Lee is almost done the W20 “Houses of the Moon” novel.  The Storyteller Screen files are at press with W20. Bill has prepared the W20 Anthology outline and contracting prospective writers.  The Skinner is approved and the PDF is going out to the KS backers ASAP. Jess Hartley is writing the White Howlers Tribe Book  and the W20 Cookbook is being outlined. Check out some news here:

-Deluxe Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition has Phil Brucato writing like a maniac and developing his writers, also like a maniac. Art notes and contracts out to our full-page artist, once we have some feedback from him I’ll look a posting an art blog along with Phil’s developer notes. Very early sketches for the fulls look awesome. Talking to more, more artists this week.

- W20 Changing Breeds is in layout. Talking to Stew about Strey-tch Goals.

- W20 Rage Across the World: Most of the art is in but a bit continues to trickle in.

- Guildhalls of the Deathless (MtC) is into editing.

- Conventionbook: Syndicate (cMtA) has most of the art in.

- Mage Translation Guide went live and is doing great on DTRPG.

- W20 Book of the Wyrm is being written and red-lined. Check out the W20 blog notes:

- V20 Rites of the Blood: is being written and is in Open Dev on the blogs:

- Trinity Continuum: Looking at the schedule to start setting up writing. John Snead is chasing me through the internet. He almost caught me but I started talking about genre emulation and got away. I might read his outline this week.

- Scion: Talked to Joe Carriker about the project and broke his back with its awesomeness. When he gets up, we’ll talk about Scion: Origin.

- Demon: The Frutang: lots of example of play commentary including from Black Hat Matt McFarland’s play test are up on the new Demon blog: Check it out, there are quite a few playtests posted now and they give a very interesting (if early) look at the game. Text is being redlined and Rose is trying to get early art notes together.

- Free RPG Day Project: Reap the Whirlwind, for VtR, is a combined 64 page booklet that combines a revised version of “Into the Void” and additional rules files from the Strix and God Machine Chronicles. This will be available at participating friendly local game stores June 15.


Reason for Drinking: “Sometimes the shit comes down so hard, you have to wear a hat.”


  • Gast
Re: [WoD] Grenzenloser Smalltalk
« Antwort #2474 am: 1.06.2013 | 13:16 »
God Machine chronicle ist wieder als POD zu haben. Und im Angebot ist es auch gerade.
« Letzte Änderung: 1.06.2013 | 16:12 von killedcat »