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[Sammelthread] Spiele ohne klassischen SL
« am: 23.03.2010 | 14:20 »
Dies ist ein Sammelthread für Spiele ohne klassischen SL.

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Spiele ohne einen SL

Agon Agon is an action-packed roleplaying game about ancient Greek heroes who face brutal tests from the gods. With bravery, cunning, honor, and strength, one hero will prove to be the greatest and secure immortality in legend.
Agon supports fast-paced, competitive play, with mechanics designed to create an even playing field for players and the game master. Oath-swearing and trash-talking are highly encouraged.

a penny for my thoughts Have you lost your memory? The Orphic Institute for Advanced Studies can help, with its revolutionary Mnemosyne™ treatment process. By ordering this useful treatment guide, you can learn how to get your memory—and your life—back.

A Thousand and One Nights Mysterious strangers. Beautiful women. Enchanted swords. Talking camels. You play members of the Sultan's Court, whiling away the sultry nights by telling pointed stories to advance your own ambitions. Navigate the social maze and you could win your heart's desire; offend the wrong person and you suffer the Sultan's wrath.

Breaking the Ice Breaking the ice is a two player role playing game. Quick and easy, the game can be played in one sitting with no prior preparation required. Players help one another tell the tale of romance arising between two characters, and the set-backs and wacky twists the lovers' tale may take.

Capes Capes is a superhero game with heart. As you play you will show the amazing things that your hero can do and, just as important, their inspiring reasons for doing them. The game poses the question "Power is fun, but do you deserve it?" The rules will lead you constantly from the joy of super-powers to the determination to show your worth. You'll find what success means to your character, and also what failure means.

Console legend If you like console RPGs and want to play that sort of game with your friends, but aren't interested in random encounters and number-crunching, Console Legends is your game.

Contenders A Role-Playing Game of Blood & Sweat, Pain & Hope. Contenders is an award winning role-playing game dealing with the shady and painful world of boxing. No need for a GM or preparation means you can jump straight into the dark world of Desert City. Each player takes on the role of a contender, a pugilist desperate to fight his way out of the gutter. Can your fighter build the hope and confidence necessary to become a true champion? Or is he destined to be dragged down into a sea of pain and despair?

Death's Door Death's Door is a role-playing game for 3 to 5 players in which the players around the table take on the roles of people who, for no explained reason, know they are going to die.

Dirty Secrets In this game, you and a few friends will create stories of corruption, betrayal, deception, and murder, all set in your own home town. Together, you will guide a single investigator through a complex web of lies, corruption, and murder as he pursues that most elusive prey: the truth.

Fiasco Fiasco is inspired by cinematic tales of small time capers gone disastrously wrong – inspired by films like Blood Simple, Fargo, The Way of the Gun, Burn After Reading, and A Simple Plan. You’ll play ordinary people with powerful ambition and poor impulse control. There will be big dreams and flawed execution. It won’t go well for them, to put it mildly, and in the end it will probably all go south in a glorious heap of jealousy, murder, and recrimination. Lives and reputations will be lost, painful wisdom will be gained, and if you are really lucky, your guy just might end up back where he started.

Formless As with previous versions of Formless, the ideas presented here are largely dependent upon common sense and cooperation between the various players. Formless is, by default, a collaborative roleplaying framework—that is, a method of roleplaying that splits the usual responsibility of a sole referee among all of the players.

Full Light, Full Steam Full Light, Full Steam is a steampunk space opera roleplaying game with a strong emphasis on character. The Solar Powers ply the ether of the Greatest Sea in steam-powered ships, protecting their colonies and trading posts on distant planets. None is greater than the British Empire -- and none has more to lose.

Grey Ranks In Grey Ranks, you will assume the role of a young Polish partisan before, during, and after the disastrous 1944 Uprising against the Germans. Together with your friends, you’ll create the story of a group of teens who fight to free their city, one of countless Grey Ranks "crews" that take up arms. Your characters – child soldiers – will have all the faults and enthusiasms of youth. Across sixty days of armed rebellion, they will grow up fast – or die.

It was a mutual decision Romantic break-up + were-rats - what’s not to love?

Labyrinths & Lycanthropes  A RPG of Loot & Legends. Gather your friends and embark on an epic quest for gold, glory, fame and fortune! Play badass adventurers, travel a fantastical land, meet interesting creatures and kill them. They were evil anyway.

Montsegur 1244 A story game about burning for your belief. Do you renounce your heretic beliefs and do you wish to receive the forgiveness of the merciful Father?

Pantheon and Other Roleplaying Games This game is primarily a competitive story telling game where each player, in order adds a sentence to an ever-expanding story, with the goal of touching upon all the plot devices, cliches and motifs common in a genre.

Polaris Polaris is a role-playing game about the dying days of the people, about how their bravest knights struggled against the Mistaken and their sun while the very people that they defended choked themselves in in their own self-indulgence.

Rune You and your band of bloodthirsty Vikings pursue epic adventure and glory in a land of Scandinavian myth, smashing anything that gets in your way. From the icy depths of Nifleheim to the whispering evil of Svartalfheim, only the gods, or perhaps the apocalypse of Ragnarok itself, could hope to deter your ravaging course.

shock: social science fiction Shock: Social Science Fiction is a fiction game of culture and future shock. Based on the works of Bruce Sterling, Kim Stanley Robinson, Ursula K. LeGuin, and Philip K. Dick, the game pushes the players to make stories that matter to them — stories about politics, philosophy, love, and death.

Shooting the moon Players take the roles of two characters pursuing a shared Beloved and play out the roadblocks and hurdles the characters face on their path to true love or to the somewhere else that love may lead them.

Soap; The Game of Soap Opera Mayhem Welcome to Soap...where your character is likely to be shot by ex-lovers, undergo a life-threatening operation, have multiple affairs, save a family member and get into a car crash all in the space of ninety minutes! Try to reveal other character's secrets while keeping yours hidden from others in this hilarious mystery-solving soap opera game that combines role playing with points for solving the outcome of a storyline!

The Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries The Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries is a storytelling game of exploration and adventure. Playable in a single evening or over multiple sessions, it allows you to tell tales of harrowing danger and daring deeds with freeform narration and pulse-pounding timed conflict resolution.

The Nopress RPG Anthology (davon: WTF) WTF is a game that inverts the "standard" RPG setup: instead of one GM and many players, it has many GMs and only one player. The result is a deliberately surreal experience.

The Shab-al-Hiri Roach The Shab-al-Hiri Roach is a dark comedy of manners, lampooning academia and asking players to answer a difficult question – are you willing to swallow a soul-eating telepathic insect bent on destroying human civilization? No? Even if it will get you tenure?

Umläut Game of Metal is a storytelling game which gives each player the chance to create and control their own Heavy Metal band.  Simple mechanics let you chart their career as they rehearse, play gigs, fight among themselves and pull crazy publicity stunts. Will you make it big, or are your records destined to languish in the discount bin of obscurity?  Can you hold your band together when the going is rough, or will you self destruct in a drug-fuelled clash of egos?

Under the bed "The stuffed animals, toy trucks, and action figures of your childhood did more for you than you remember. They were your guardians, advocates and friends, putting their lives on the line for you. "Do you have what it takes to be a toy?"

Universalis The players create a shared world and story, but many of the usual conventions do not apply: for instance, no player is assigned to a single character, and and there is no GM. Players use "coins" to establish tenets about the setting, buy traits (for characters, locations, or props), and to frame each scene. Coins are regained at the start of a scene and can be won for complications.

Western City Zieh, Du Hund! Western City ist ein Rollenspiel bei dem jeder ein Spieler ist. Die in Western-City verwendeten Spieltechniken geben allen Spielern die Chance im Rampenlicht zu stehen, ohne das ein Spielleiter erforderlich ist. Wirf deine Pokerchips in den Pott wenn du die Geschichte beeinflussen willst, und arbeite mit deinen Mitspielern zusammen um an eurem Spieltisch einen unvergesslichen Spaghetti-Western zu schaffen. Setzt euch selbst in Szene und erfüllt die Ziele Eurer Helden, und übernehmt die Nebenrollen die Euch weiterbringen. Komm nach Western City... oder traust du dich etwa nicht?

Andere Sammel- und Suchthreads
Welches spielleiterlose Rollenspiel kannst du empfehlen?
am: 19.03.2010
[Suche]Spielleiterlose Systeme
am: 8.12.2006
SL-lose Spielsysteme
am: 1.05.2006

Sammelthread aus dem story-games Forum
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The Cheapskate's Guide to GM-less RPGs Worth Paying for

Diskussion & Umfragen zum Thema:
Kein Spielleiter = Alle sind Spielleiter???
am: 9.3.2005
Umfrage: Lieber mit SL oder ohne?
am: 26.10.2005
Kann es Spielleiterlose Rollenspiele geben?
am: 20.3.2010
« Letzte Änderung: 25.03.2010 | 00:07 von WeeMad »

Offline WeeMad

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Re: [Sammelthread] Spiele ohne klassischen SL
« Antwort #1 am: 24.03.2010 | 23:54 »
Freie Spiele ohne einen SL

Analaya - Tormenta de arena (Spanisch) If you can read Spanish, then take a look at Analaya - Tormenta de arena.
It was an independent RPG published in 1993. The setting was a post-apocalyptical world, where civilizations went back to somehow like the Imperial Roman and Amazonian tribes, as well as Pueblo Indians, mystical monks, slavers, and some other...

Apocalypse Girl it's not like it's the end of the world

Archipelago Archipelago is a story/role-playing game where each player controls a major character. Player take turns directing and playing out a part of their character’s story, leading them towards their selected point of destiny, while other players interact with and influence that story.

Bacchanal It is late summer in Puteoli, south of Rome, 61 A.D., when the city finds itself unexpectedly playing host to the god Bacchus. Caught up in the madness of wine, the citizens throw off their togas and mingle as equals with slaves and foreigners in a debased fervor. Gameplay follows the characters through events of wine, debauchery, and the cruel sporting of gods, as they struggle to evade soldiers, and accusers, and reunite with a companion from whom they have been separated.

Best Friends Best Friends is a role-playing game about girlfriends and their petty hatreds. You all role-play girlfriends of each other and gameplay involves who you hate for being prettier than you, richer than you, etc.

Chance Encounters Chance Encounters is a GM-less role playing game with a heavy focus on character issues and growth. A selection of characters go through dramatic, personal events, often with profound changes as the result. Sometimes, the characters hardly know each other at the outset, but their initially disparate storylines entangle and collide as new relationships are formed and old ones reawake.

City of Brass Deep in the heart of darkest Africa lies a legendary city where all of one’s wildest dreams will come true. You are one of six intrepid explorers who will face unfathomable dangers trying to make their way to this City of Brass. The path will lead you into new friendships and perhaps make deadly enemies. Are you worthy to enter the City of Brass?

Coming of Age Coming of Age is a roleplaying game (RPG), where each player takes on the role of someone who is more than he or she appears. As you play Coming of Age you will build the story of these characters discovering their potential.

Conquer the Horizon Bei CtH geht es darum eine "Neue Welt" zu erobern. Die Spieler übernehmen verschiedene Rollen von Charakteren, die alle aus der "Alten Welt" kommen. Ihre Aufgabe ist es Entdeckungen zu machen und Entdeckungen für ihre Zwecke auszunutzen. Die "Neue und Alte Welt"-Settings können so Situationen darstellen wie "Die Entdeckung Amerikas", oder "Erdenmenschen betreten den Mars", oder "Postmoderne Amerikaner besuchen ein postapokalyptisches Europa voller radioaktiver Zombies".

Crime & Punishment In Crime & Punishment players take on the roles of writers and actors in a procedural drama. In the first half of the game, players create story elements that will entice each other?s investment. In so doing, they earn resources for the second half of the game when they will need them to purchase time and glory in the spotlight of the drama they have created.

Department Nine Ein Spiel im Stil von Minority Report, jedoch mit den 3 Moiren in einer fiktiven Zukunft, in der Bürokratie die Mystik überwuchert hat.

Drowning and Falling The Fantasy Role-Playing Game of Adventure and Death from Drowning and Falling The Drowning and Falling Role-Playing Game includes everything you need to slip and plunge into a world of mystery and adventure!* With five character classes, two alignments, over twenty three spells and prayers and fifteen statistics unlike any seen in the history of role-playing, you and your friends will be tossed head-first into thrilling tales limited only by your imagination and certain rules!

Ensemble In Ensemble, the participants collaboratively improvise a story of their own making. Each player looks after one of the story's primary characters, and shares the responsibility to tend to the other Characters in the game. Meanwhile, the responsibility for setting the scene is passed around like a hot potato, sending the 'spotlight' whirling around in its wake.

Fungeon Fungeon is roleplaying the ancient art of dungeon crawling, only without a gamemaster. During play, each Player creates Traps, Monsters and Treasure for your adventurous Fungeoneers to escape, fight and discover.

Geiger Counter Geiger Counter was designed to do two things: 1) emulate movies in which most of the main characters eventually die and 2) perform really well in single-session play, such as a pick-up or convention game. I originally aimed to replicate the fun of watching movies like Alien  and Scream, but Geiger Counter can also create play that feels like Jurassic Park, Dawn of the Dead, Twister, Nightmare on Elm Street, Vertical Limit, Jaws, or even sobering fare such as Black Hawk Down or Saving Private Ryan.

Legends of Alyria Legends of Alyria, a game of imagination set in the dark technofantasy world of Alyria.

Lexicon The basic idea is that each player takes on the role of a scholar, from before scholarly pursuits became professionalized (or possibly after they ceased to be). You are cranky, opinionated, prejudiced and eccentric. You are also collaborating with a number of your peers -- the other players -- on the construction of an encyclopedia describing some historical period (possibly of a fantastic world).

Scarlet Wake Scarlet Wake is game about pain, hate, and bloody revenge. With a strong focus on tactics, gambling, and inter-player competition, Scarlet Wake asks “Are you cool enough to be even cooler?” In Scarlet Wake, your character truly is limited only by your imagination.

Shades In Shades, every player takes control of a fictional character caught in a bizarre parody of life. Your body died, possibly long ago, but your mind merely retreated in a temporary unconsciousness. Now you have returned as a shade, a being without corporeal form, invisible to living human beings, but able to perceive the material world. You have little sense of self, and no idea of who you are, why you are dead, in what place you find yourself. But many memories lurk beneath the surface of your mind, waiting only for the most tiny of prods before vehemently bursting forth. These memories tell the tragic tale of your terrible fate, of the pain you suffered and inflicted; yet they may also contain the key to appeasement and redemption.

The Court of the Empress The Empress is an immensely powerful and utterly unchallenged despot over a vast empire. A single word from her can cause a city to be built, and a second word could take all the lives within an entire nation. [...] The players of this game take on the roles of the Empress herself, and of minor courtiers who seek her out, chancing death to petition her for a favor.

the dragon vs. the gun This role-playing game concerns itself with one of the universal themes in mythology, literature and human thought. The conflict between chaos and order.

The Great Below Beitrag zur GroFaFo Challenge von User Dirk im tanelorn

Hier finden sich weitere freie Spiele, viele davon ohne klassischen SL
« Letzte Änderung: 1.04.2010 | 10:59 von WeeMad »

Offline WeeMad

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Re: [Sammelthread] Spiele ohne klassischen SL
« Antwort #2 am: 24.03.2010 | 23:55 »
Weitere Spiele
In diesen Spielen ist zwar meist ein SL vorgesehen, aber er muss meist nicht alle Aufgaben eines klassischen SL übernehmen bzw. die Spieler oder das System übernehmen diese Aufgaben teilweise.

Dead of Night
Mythic GM Emulator
Primetime Adventures
The Pool